Catskills JAM: Need some info / help from attendees



Mar 26, 2007
If there are any guys that have a room booked and need / want a roomie, please add a post. There are some guys looking to split a room or were on the fence because they didn’t have someone to split a room with. Put it up on here and then PM each other.

I've gotten several PM's, OK, a ton of PM's regarding the trip. I know some guys are coming on Wed while others aren't coming until Fri or Sat. We have some waders and some floaters. What I would like to do is get a list of attendees and be able to break it down into smaller groups.

Example: 4 groups of 4 guys, each group could have 2 guys w/ experience on the D and 2 first timers.

In a perfect world, I'd like to see everyone catch fish that weekend. The guys that have been there before understand that sometimes, the river will not cooperate and "it is what it is". I want to see a newbie that's never caught much over a 10- 12 incher, get spooled in a riff by a spunky rainbow. We could pair up like that 1/2 of the time or I’ll just take a first timer w/ me every day. I’m good with that.

Guys w/ experience on the river that I'm aware of:

jdaddy (some)
josh (some)

I don’t know how much experience the other attendees have but sound off if you are a first timer or an old hand at it. I know a few guys are coming w/ canoes and will have room for a second angler that would like to float the river. We should also have an extra pontoon (or two) and an extra kayak (or two).

This will be awesome if I don't screw it up. :) Dave set the bar pretty high with the WW JAM.

Rain gear
PT's, ISO's, Caddis larva
Every Olive pattern you have
Warm clothing
Sense of humor


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Put me down as a Delaware river newbie. Anxious to learn from an experienced Big D FFer or two :)
Since Jay and I are sharing a room and have a proclivity party harder and sleep later my guess is we will be floating together. My guess is B will be in late crowd as well.

Maybe you should divide everyone by partying styles? AMIRITE?

Edit: And how many damn threads are you gonna start for this gathering?
jdaddy wrote:
Since Jay and I are sharing a room

Exhibit C, your Honour.
... a proclivity party harder and sleep later... is we will be...together.

Exhibit D, your Honour.

Edit: And how many damn threads are you gonna start for this gathering?

From what you said about his organizational skills, you should be impressed.

ps: sorry jay, but its just too damned easy.
I am not a morning person. If anyone wants to drink and float later, rest assured you won't be alone.

Back to OT for you.


That goat is kind of cute though.
Why gfen really wants a pontoon.


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OK. I guess this thread is now shot. The first reply was the only serious one. Thank you trowpa.
My post was serious. Anyone that wants to get a later than early start can go with me and jeff.

For what it's worth, I don't know all that much about the river, but I know a little. I recommend that any newbies buy Weamer's book. If you're spending the money on gas to go all the way up there, you may as well spend an extra $20 to make success much more likely. It's a no brainer. They are $15 used.
I'll be there Friday evening. I have a room,I have no room-mate yet. I do not have a pontoon/ canoe, so I'm a wader unless there are some pontoon-rent-a-centers. I have no experience on the Delaware, but am an experienced FFer.

I think that about covers it.

Oh and If anybody from SW wants to carpool I have a 4 door Pick-Up.

I did notice on your list of necessaries there is no BOOZE! I can only guess that it is implied everyone bring there favorite anti-inflamitory beverage.
Oh there will be alcohol.
OK. I guess this thread is now shot.

Good thing you got the other THREE to fall back on.

I did notice on your list of necessaries there is no BOOZE! I can only guess that it is implied everyone bring there favorite anti-inflamitory beverage.

Ya, would make the most sense unless everyone wanted to get down on a keg of Newcastle?
Only if it rides in my pontoon.

Seriously though, I was kind of thinking we could do some kind of craft brew swap if we have enough beer geeks. Maybe a "bring your favorite IPA" beer exchange. Small batch craft beers/microbrews only, please!

If we could get 6 participants, for example, we could each end up with 4 bottles of six different beers to drink/share for the weekend. Buy a case, end up with 6 4-packs.
Getting you jacked thread back on topic, I would suggest that you focus on organizing Sat and Sunday as those are the key days. Did you speak with Coz regarding the Saturday morning meeting/drawing? I would think we could hash all this out Friday night. Really, the question is the 'toons and transportation of same. I assume you, Josh and B will be bringing trailers again? That would be helpful.
Adult beverages are on your own. Beer is sold at the Quick Stop across the street. There may be an option to float for you.

You've a bunch of hrs on river up there and that's a lot more than an guy with zero would have. If you have no interest in 'leading' first timers, no biggie. I'm just hoping to have a few other guys step up and so we can break into smaller numbers. A 12 man wading brigade or 9 boat float group would be a mess.

I will have my small trailer, Josh will bring his big trailer, I believe David and Flyswatter both have pick ups. Somebody else has a Suburban. Not sure if George has a trailer. Brandon has his trailer but may be a 'no go'. Work is slow for him and money is tight. I may foot the bill for one night in the motel so I can get him to come along. I'd like to see him make it.

If we got all cars but one to the take out, we'll be fine. The other one can be picked up later or shuttled down by Gene and Ines.
Only if it rides in my pontoon.

Seriously though, I was kind of thinking we could do some kind of craft brew swap if we have enough beer geeks. Maybe a "bring your favorite IPA" beer exchange. Small batch craft beers/microbrews only, please!

If we could get 6 participants, for example, we could each get 4 bottles of six different beers to drink/share for the weekend.

What is PBFC stance on kegs on board 'toons?

That exchange is a great idea and I am def in.
Holy #OOPS#.... I think I been drinking beer since 8th grade and I'm pretty sure I don't know WTF Jay's talkin about.

Wait... Maybe that's why i don't understand?!
I drink lager. Josh drinks Pabst. We are out of your high brow beer swap. :)