Catskills - float em if you got em JAM 9/19/15



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
Float / wade get together (tentatively scheduled)

Looking at dates
9-15-15 to 9-20-15 Tuesday - Sunday
9-22-15 to 9-27-15 Tuesday - Sunday

As usual, home base would be the Capra Inn. The way this late spring / early summer has gone up there, it would be nearly impossible to predict what kind of fishing to expect. About 10-14 days in advance, you should be able to get a pulse on the rivers and have some idea what bugs might be seen.

If you have a boat, pontoon, canoe, etc...... join in. If you've wanted to fish it and didn't know where to go or what to use, make it. There should / could be some pretty seasoned guys attending.

If you want to chase brook trout, that's also available in that area. A Pennsylvania license should cover you for a decent portion of the waters we plan to fish. If you want to explore some of the famous Catskill waters (Beaverkill, Willowemoc, Neversink, Delaware East Branch), you'll need a NY license.

If you're interested, sound off and let me know what type of watercraft you can bring.

The question will be wether there is any water left to fish by then. Might just need a set of ditch boots.

If that's not the case, I'll likely be in for some portion of the shenanigans.
I just found out from my boss that she is going to Italy September 6th through the 19th. I can't be off at the same time so it will be the later of the 2 dates I provided.

You're worried about water? They have a lake full, just letting any out. I'm more concerned about damage to the fish and insect populations that these low flows might be doing.

Radar showing a pretty good line of storms headed that way. Hope they get a good soaker and that it drops 3" in the valley above Walton. If the inflow jumps to 1500, they'd almost have to dump some which would give thermal relief on the main.
Should be in...I have a work conference somewhere in that time frame so will have to check that first
Count me in for 9/22 through 9/25.
I have a toon .BTW I have a lot of space in a big SUV,if transporting stuff/toons becomes an issue,just give me a shout.I live in West Chester,PA
Count me in for 9/22 through 9/25.
I have a toon .BTW I have a lot of space in a big SUV,if transporting stuff/toons becomes an issue,just give me a shout.I live in West Chester,PA
I dont have a toon or a canoe or anything but i would be in for this trip and probably just wade fish unless i can find a way to grab a fairly inexpensive toon in the meantime... I'd likely be bringing my Dad along as well, hes pumped to fish the upper D, never has
You can do well wading. It all depends who shows up as to how many open seats there are in the boats. I couldn't even begin to predict flows. It might too low to float or too high to wade. We had both scenarios the other year in a 3 day span. There are canoes and driftboats for rent if a couple of guys want to go in on one. I'd like to see the first-timers experience a float.

Show up, meet some of the guys, catch some fish and have fun.

Looking forward to meeting ya too.
Andy, I can't commit yet I have to wait until my son's hockey schedule comes out. Hope to make it as it was a blast a couple years ago. Long live Spicolli
I'm in with the Scadden Predator. After two weeks in Montana, I should be able to control the damn thing.
I did good wading when i was up there last month

"Show up, meet some of the guys, catch some fish and have fun."

Thats exactly what i am hoping to do!! Hopefully nature will cooperate
Naturally, I've got a wedding that weekend. May try to swing a weds-Thursday float if I can get out of the cube farm.

I'll be in touch closer to the date, may have room in my boat. Will let the group know.
Depending on a possible new job and kids baseball fallball schedule I am in. I have 3 toons. If one of my buddies or both can't make it they will be free to use if I can transport them up there somehow.
My wife is due August 10th or I would totally be down for this. There is no way in hell she is going to let me off the leash then.

After a PM from SNJ, I called the motel to verify availability. Well, as most fishing plans have gone for me....up in smoke. A wedding in the area and their huge family has booked the entire motel. We have some options to consider. Look over the info and let me know what you guys think might work best for the majority.

#1 - Keep the same date and change lodging location. I know of a few other places to stay. DRC, WBA (Both are quite pricey for the frugal fisherman like myself. I also have a dog in tow to complicate things.) Laurel Bank Motel in Deposit and Smith's Colonial are pretty decent. Txxxxxxine Motel (no thanks!!).

#2 - Move the date earlier. Looking at the work schedule and motel reservations, going August 30 - September 6 appears to be wide open. Negatives - it's the weekend before Labor Day which means you will have to deal with larger crowds and getting run over by kayaks / canoes. Possible Negative - water temps could be a little on the warm side and flows could be a little on the low side. Positive - likely to have some better mayfly hatches but they could be quite small (#20-28)

#3 - Move the date later. Schedule at work and motel look to be clear for week of Septemer 27 - October 4. Excluding a late Indian summer event, the evenings should be cold enough to stabilize water temps. Being post Labor Day, it tends to get pretty quiet up there. Should start to see more olives (#16-20), the mysterious 'peach fly' (steno variety I believe), hebe (often mistaken for #16-18 sulphur), some Iso and October caddis around. Fall foliage should be in full swing is a plus.......windy conditions might put a billion leave in the drift is a definite negative.

Over the last 6 years or so, I've done trips with DaveS in mid August, mid September, late September and early October. All have produced fish and some pretty decent ones. If the summer stays wet, air temps stay below 87-90 up there and they release water, August has been one of my best months for producing numbers of fish. Where I've caught some of my biggest fish is in the end of September thru October 10. Flow, cloud cover and wind will dictate our success no matter the date chosen. Look it over, pick your poison, post your thoughts and I'll make some calls for us.
Doesn't matter to me just let me know what works.

I would say keep the dates, and find somewhere else to go. The leaves could put us down, and end if august there will be tubers, kayakers crowds ect. Ill be there.
Pick a date Andy and we'll show up. Late Sept is fine w/me. What ever the date and conditions, we'll drink a few beers, catch some fish and have fun.
Ok. I'll make some calls at one of the other lodging sites and see if they can handle a "bulk order".