Catskill JAM 2012. Spring is just around the corner.

Still in
I'm going to be up this area during this time...I'm staying at my buddies on Friday 6/8. I'm thinking of heading up on Thursday to get a full day in on Friday (have to leave for a wedding Saturday). I have a 'toon and would be interested in meeting up for a float or some wading.

I'll be there on the 8th, but probably not until early evening. I'll also be limited to wading, as I have nothing to float. Can't wait.

We'll see if there's some way to get you floating down the river if you want to try it. Shane is so nice, he'll let you use his boat. :)
He can happily use my boat one day. I owe a rowing to Dave anyways.
Shane you're not fooling anyone. My boat cooler holds the most beer, and you can easily reach the cooler from the rowing seat!LOL!
Lmao.......crap, was it that obvious? Let me add the snacks are a added bonus as well.
Snacks and a loaner rod or two wouldn't hurt. Quit being such a tight wad. LOL
Awesome guys! I can't wait.
Hey Andy, this thread is kind of a rambling mess to get through. I had to wade through 3600 CFS to find the dates (man i am funny) I would suggest starting a clean thread with dates in the title and all the dates and details in the first post.

And probably in. Hitting up Zen to see what his deal is.
jdaddy wrote:

And probably in. Hitting up Zen to see what his deal is.

I'll be heading up as soon as I'm out of school of Friday. It's our last day, and I should be out by 11 or 12 at the latest. You think you'll be good to go by then?