Catskill JAM 2012. Spring is just around the corner.

It's worse when it is teaching in an age group that I do not want to specialize in. Thanks though, and I am sure it all will be worth it in the long run. I think the allure of the Delaware in the spring is driving me insane.
OK, I've gotten some feedback and here are the options.....

Some of us are going up in the last few days of April for a week. We can have the "jam" at that time. The motel is almost vacant during that time frame. Vito has fit the movie house with a DVD player so we can watch Drift, Rise or some other fishing movie one evening.

The second option is to try a Fri June 8th, Sat June 9th and Sun June 10th. If we are picking that week, it's important to book your room. I called Gene today and they just had 6 guys book rooms because they are "chasing the drakes" that weekend. I'm guessing that if the spring matches the mild winter, the drakes may be done by that point.

Anybody interested needs to reply or PM me. I need to figure out how many will be attending, schedule off of work, square things away with getting a driftboat available and hunt down some raffle gear. If I don't get at least 10, I'm not going to worry about the raffle. If you've made past trips with us, the fishing should be 200% better at this time of the year but the river will be more crowded too. Plenty of bugs will still be around and the fish are easier to catch earlier in the season.

I know it's very early to ask for a commitment but there's also a ton of planning to get things organized.

Gochs, Nick, Rick, Steve, Les, Nate, Jeff, Matt, JerseyGeorge, Beeber, Mr. McWilliams, Will, etc. Sound off boys. Newbies also welcome.

DaveS, Shane, Josh, Brandon, Bill and Andy are already "in"

Brandon is starting a thread on the NY forum that he has. We may try a little PA vs NY fishing match if we get enough guys to go.
Sad to miss it this year. When the date comes, I'll be sure to go to a tailwater out here and scour the river for frog water with no rising fish. I'll flog it mercilessly in all of your names.


Yes, it bothers me that I never hit that place in even remotely acceptable conditions.
Jay, I'll be sure to post plenty off fish porn for your viewing pleasure. You can return the favor from MT. I'm trying to twist Mr Kyle's arm into joining us.
Is there a firm date on this yet?
Not getting much feedback yet. I'm guessing it will be the early June dates for a few reasons. The mythical "bug week" and lower flows making it user friendly for waders. There is a group heading up for the hendrickson hatch 4/28 - 5/5. You are welcome to join in but wading could be limited at that time b/c of flows. It's hard to guess how much run off will impact the flows until close to the date.
I plan on coming up after graduation Wednesday night or Thursday morning till Saturday night. Sons birthday is Sunday, so will have to leave after Saturday evening float.
I'd be in for early june...
You mean to fly fish.... right? No dirty pinners on the D !! LOL

That time of year could be pretty sick with plenty of hatches going on. It could be a bit crowded w/ anglers, drift boats and yaks.

If you are sure you are going and want a room, you should have it booked by the end of Feb. The first week or two of June fill up. There aren't a ton of places to stay so rooms fill quickly. There is some camping available but that is also somewhat limited.
We were planning to go up on Monday, June 11th for four nights. If you guys decide to have your jam over the weekend, we'll change our arrival to Thursday the 7th. Hope you figure it out soon. We have to book our house.
OK. We'll shoot for June 6, 7, 8 and 9th. Rooms might be hard to find that week so don't dilly dally on getting reservations. Tell the office that you're with the PAFF group or the JAM and they'll put all of us next to each other.
Kray - good on you for trying to herd us ffishing cats together. I'll be up there earlier in the month with some other buds, and if I link up with this mini-Jamboree, I usually base out of Roscoe since I'm a Beaverkill fancier (since the 50s, even).


If you are going to be in Roscoe, I'm sure we'll make it over that way at least once during the get together. I think we are going to do luch at Raimondos one day and shoot the bull w/ Art Lee. When I talked to him in the fall, he sounded open to meeting the group and swapping fish stories. Thought that might be a pretty neat thing for us to do. Are you going to make it over to the Hancock area at all during that time? You are more then welcome to sit on the porch, light up your pipe and share a drink w/ us.
Kray, I really don't know if I'll make it. I'm dying to, but June is tough. Any time before July is reallllly tough. But I'll have to see.


Hope you can make it up once. Spring is much more interesting than the middle of summer. In case you missed the post, "your" pontoon was sold to a guy that lives on the WB. Sorry but it went to a good home and that boat loves that river anywho. Keep me posted or shoot a text if you can make it.

Darn! I cannot make it. I have a family vacation planned. For those of you on the fence about going to the Catskill Jam I can attest that it is a great time. The Capra Inn where you will most likely stay is awesome and the fishing is world class. As for the guys attending some are a little sketchy (; but they are some damn fine fisherman.

Fishing with Krayfish (Andy) opened my eyes to a new level of flyfishing on big water. If you've never fished the Big D be ready for an entirely different experience from the little limestoner fishing that most of us Pennsylvanians are used too. My first trip on the Upper Delaware I fished with an 8 foot 3 weight fly rod. Hook one big brown or bow on a flimsy little rod and your in trouble. Tippets of 7x and 8x are a joke on this river. Also make sure you have a big net. I am sure some chuckled at me with the little minnow net I had hanging off my back on my first two or three trips but I guess it was all I had.

I now carry two rods while I'm on the river both 9 foot or above and in five and six weights. I also spent a little extra on the reels and fly lines. I can honestly say that having the proper equipment on the Upper Delaware is a must and being prepared is absolutely necessary. The guys from the Jam have that experience and are willing teachers. If you go you will learn so much.



That's too bad. Fadeaway, Webby and I are going up from June 4th through the 8th. We'll be staying at a house in Deposit and plan to meet up with the other guys in Hancock and hopefully at our place. Parkesburg is pretty close to us. We should at least get together and fish locally sometime.
Nick, are you going to try to make it in May?
I think I am going to try to make it in May. Are you?