cat fish



Jan 27, 2007
how can you catch cat fish that you cant see on a fly rod at a place that has fiew fish but big ones what flies would be good and what leader i caught one today on a worm with my fly rod oo and not much casting room help would be much apreciated.
I'd slow (very slow) strip a big crawfish colored bugger.

You'll probably catch 50 bass to each cattie, but nothing wrong with that.
I would say dumb luck would be your best chance at catching one in those conditions. Just slow fish something big like a large wooly bugger or like Jay said a craw pattern. If there are only a few of them you might be there for a while since catfish tend to strike through smell of their food and by reaction striking aka something moving past them that seems like food. Every catfish I've caught on the fly except for 1, which was dumb luck on the river, was through sight fishing, casting near them and jigging the fly off of the bottom and getting a reaction strike out of them. If you can't see them then I would try to fish around a holding point if you know of one where you'll be fishing and just slow fish something big and kind of bulky looking and best of luck to you.
ok thanks if all else fails ill gust throw some baite on the fly rod the one i caught yesterday was like 8 pound on 6x tippet that was a lot of fun.i dont know if any one ever heard of emily lake in frick park thats where im talking about it hase not very many but big catfish and some carp o and it is kind of small oo and would clouser minnoes work?

oo and it dosent have bass in it well not a lot people told me thay stalk i with trout in the fall but i dont know about that.
Ship is rite it really is dumb luck, however if you just wanna look dumb you may just wanna get a sixer, some friends that know your an a** and tie a chicken liver on a fast sinking tip. I have done it, on a relatives pond, caught three on an 8wt w/ 4x tippet, it was dumb though ended up ruinning my fly line. They throw root wads in there and well you know the rest.
you could try adding scent to a big bugger. they have those scent sprays. good luck!
If you are going to scent your bugger, why not just use earthworms or other live bait?
well if the intention was to catch one on a fly......then bait wouldnt be an option
I caught 3 yellow bullheads the other day out of the Manitowoc River on a size 6 black fur leech. I also got a carp that went about 9 lb., 2 green sunfish, a Chinook smolt, a crawdad about 7 inches long (one of the biggest I've ever seen), a northern about 17" long and about a dozen smallmouth between 9 and 14 inches. All on the same fly.

Strange day...

I've been fishing for a long, long time, but I refuse to touch a bullhead. They give me the willies...:)
Your suggestion was that he turn his fly into bait, I only suggested that he dispense with the charade if he were inclined to follow your suggestion.
Bullheads aren't too hard to hold, they're just a little slimy, not much worse than a pickerel really. Just grab them behind the front pectoral fins and make sure the dorsal fin is laying flat.

Kind of like this:
no your wrong again jack :-D by adding scent it is a scented fly. i can rub pizza sauce all over a bronze statue but that doesnt mean it is edible. therefore a fly with scent is not bait :-D
The definition of bait does not require the thing to be edible. But feel free to think I am wrong (again) if that comforts you.
comfort no. i find no comfort in that fact u are wrong, again. :-D but thanks for ur worry.


a fly is not bait

ah, ok im wrong :-D define bait and a fly is :-D
but your still wrong :-D :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thought I should, it is an interesting de"bait",
just to stir the pot.
yup were all bait fisherman :-D
yup when all else failes bait!!!