Carp Swap 2015



Feb 15, 2011
Ok its been ages since we've done a swap around these parts...why not channel everyone's favorite over-sized minnow, and swap some carp flies? Nymphs, crayfish, worms, eggs, french fries, bread crusts, cigarette get the idea. Whatever imitation you can think creative.

I'll set a max of 15 tiers. I've got a few verbal "ins", but please confirm your sign ups here anyway. Depending on how many people we get, we can determine if 1 or 2 flies each works better.

Typical swap procedures...tie flies for each participant (less yourself), plus any extras for mods (unless they claim to be too cool for these lowly trash fish :cool: ). Mail flies to me in a box of some sort with return postage by 3/1 (its only getting colder at this point). I'll sort and mail back a sweet assortment to each of you.

Show of hands?

1. jay348 - pattern tbd
2. icyguides (verbal) - pattern tbd
3. dc410 (verbal) - pattern tbd
4. nickr (verbal) - pattern tbd


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I'm in for a mike's fuzzy niblet.
I'm in. Pattern is still TBD at this point. There are so many great carp patterns out there. I'm really looking forward to this swap.
Im in, this is great jay good idea. Ill be tying the carpnasty in either orange or gray.

You can put me down for tying a Baskstabber pattern, probably in some form of a rusty-brown color. Thanks for organizing this swap. Carp flies are a lot of fun to tie.
Id love to do this, but im afraid ive never gone out strictly for carp, so i dont have any personal favorites. Id like to tie something for this swap though...anyone mind?
J55tyger88 wrote:
Id love to do this, but im afraid ive never gone out strictly for carp, so i dont have any personal favorites. Id like to tie something for this swap though...anyone mind?

Don't tell anyone, but neither have I. I usually have a few bugs in my smallie box, and wind up hooking a couple every year. I wanna give it a real shot this year though. Count yourself in.

icyguides wrote:
I'm in for a mike's fuzzy niblet.

I had to look this one up, but deep down I knew it would be cool with the name "niblet".
Updated list:

1. jay348 - pattern tbd
2. icyguides - mikes fuzzy niblet
3. dc410 - backstabber - rusty brown
4. nickr (verbal) - pattern tbd
5. codym21 - carpnasty - organge/grey
6. j55tyger88 - pattern tbd
I've actually never even tied one, but i've been meaning to so i figured this would force me to learn to tie them. I can't find a recipe anywhere but pretty sure i can tell the ingredients and methods just by looking at it. The name niblet is also fun to say and sounds like something a carp would eat. Isn't that canned corn called niblets?
icyguides wrote:
Isn't that canned corn called niblets?

Sure is!

Apparently a niblet refers to a singular kernel...learn something new everyday. Although I just made the mistake of opening the urban dictionary definition at work :-o
jay348 wrote:

I had to look this one up, but deep down I knew it would be cool with the name "niblet".

I have seen some corn patterns designed for carp but never tied any. I had a picture in my mind, after hearing the name of iceyguide's pattern of a niblet of corn with some kind of furry mold growing on it. Just like the kind you find growing in that leftover container that was buried way in the back of your refridgerator for months. :-D When I looked up the pattern it didn't look anything like I was thinking. However, it is a really cool pattern that I'm sure will give us an opportunity to stick old "rubberlips".
Count me in, I'm an amateur carper, want to get into it more this year.

I'll be tying a damselfly nymph
mario66pens wrote:
Count me in, I'm an amateur carper, want to get into it more this year.

I'll be tying a damselfly nymph

Thats the spirit!

Slow is anybody opposed to tying two flies if we don't go above say 10 people? Either 2 different flies or 2 of the same are fine w/ me...just trying to make it worthwhile for everyone.

I've tied a bunch of stuff up so far, but I do like the looks of this inverted clouser swimming nymph.



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I'm thinking about joining in, will let you know later today.
I'm ok with tying two if we come in with 10 or less tyers but I certainly defer to the other tyers if they feel that is too much.

Jay, that swimming nymph pattern is a real "carpy" looking critter. Nice tie! That dog'll hunt!
I'm in, pattern tbd, if you'll have me
I've never tied for carp but sounds interesting. I'm in...pattern suggestions? What would you guys like?
I've only ever caught one carp on a fly. I'd like to catch more, but they seem to be harder to find in mifflin County than they were back in the lancaster/Lebanon area. If nobody minds an amateur I'd tie the fly I caught my only carp on - I think it's called the crazy carper. I'd be willing to do 2 per person as well if that's the concensus.
Count me in pattern TBD
I haven't swapped in a long time and love this idea! If you will have me Jay I'll tie Lafontaine's Bristle Leech.