Can someone explain the difference to me?

I see cabin fever is lingering around extra long this year.

You can call your rod whatever you want, it doesn't bother me.

then again I use a 7'9" far & fine from 1979 even though I was only born in the 80's and didn't start fly fishing until 2001...FWIW. Meh, I was never much of a number guy, guess that's why I like fishing, no need for approval...just fish.

the only wrong way to fish is from behind a keyboard, won't catch any gemmies that way.

Get out and enjoy this beautiful weather!
Fish from keyboard is more fun than gemmies (for me). I'll wait for prime temps and hatching. Off to clean my golf clubs for opening day of trout season.
Good plan.

I could stand to play 9 tomorrow.

Then again, I'll take the morning to teach my young'ns about the woes/fun of opening day.

Packing the brass knuckles...jk...maybe
hahaha you're crazy Tim! I hope to never expose my younginz to that zoo! That is NOT a tradition that I want to pass onto them haha! can learn quite a bit from negative examples!
Caught some bows and browns with my brookie rod this week. And it's not even opening day! Who knew you could fish year round?!
No such thing.

Seriously? Of course that's a thing.

Or do Australians speak Australian English...


Are you being sarcastic or do you really not think that this is a thing?
Easy, Cold. geebee is a Limy! No such thing unless its the Queen's English.
cold, yes. hence the smiley face :-D

i thought it was in the spirit of the thread...
Swattie87 wrote:
Other than getting the ball rolling about getting gemmies in the dictionary, the other best thing about this thread is we now know that Becker has at least two cats.

Or that at least two cats share Shane.