Brook Trout?

I honestly don't think that anyone is being cruel. I offered a suggestion on how to resize the photo using a smartphone which is probably what most people use to take their pics. We are just having a little fun. Swattie said it earlier, this may be the first stocked vs wild debate ever without a picture. It is just all in good fun.

Yes, there are those on here that don't offer much in the way of help and or generosity to others. But 99% of us here strive to be helpful.
Certainly no cruelty meant in my posts either.

I've never posted a picture on this site
And frankly, feel no desire or need to do so.
I'm really quite happy with just the talk.

My comment about me also catching some invisible fish, actually has a lot of truth to it. And was poking fun at myself
I've gotten skunked on more outings this year, than any in recent memory.
Mostly attributed to all the blow out stream conditions
Steve98 - I want to apologize for leading your post in a direction you did not intend. , just t

As for loading photos, there is a sticky post at the top of the PAFlyFish General Forum that describes the process for posting pictures and videos. I’ve found that images resized to 300x300 pixels works fine. I use an resizing app (Image Size) for a quick resize. Simply open your image and resize to 300x300 pixels.
shadspoon wrote:
Hi steve98, I guess you figured out that 1/2 the people on this site can be cruel the other 1/2 are very helpful and want to help you. I don't know about computers, resizing, file size etc. and struggle constantly to just tread water in the "new age''. It may take me an hour to get a photo on any site. It is simple as one said. An engine rebuild is simple to me! Just saying!! Take a deep breath and keep at it. The good 1/2 will help you here.

There were numerous attempts by many members to help out. The problem is there has been no feedback from the OP about what he is working with and what he has been attempting to do.

Is the pic on his phone (I-phone or android)? On his computer (Mac or PC)? Is he trying to upload and link it to a host site? Does he have an app or photo software on his phone or computer.

All the advice and solutions differ depending on the answers to the aforementioned questions. So, no one can really help without more details.

I'm afraid it's like the guy that asks which fly rod outfit is best? Well without knowing what type of fishing they want to do, what are you fishing for, and where are you planning to fish; no one can really help with any meaningful advice. The OP may be looking to fish for stripers in the ocean or sunnies in a pond.

There are plenty of guys on here looking to help all the time. Posting pics is pretty simple and done all the time. Just give us more info and I'm sure someone can help walk you through the process.
I don't know, without a time dimension extractor we might not see the invisible fish he caught.
With all the attempts at posting a picture, I was beginning to think it was a bull trout. But after snowflake post about cruelty and all the white space... maybe it was just a white sucker caught during a blizzard. ;-)

To the OP, sounds like a great catch regardless of genetics.

If you have a PC, it likely already has a program or two for editing photos.
OP sent me his pic so I could post it for the group:
Fire when ready!


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NOW you can start the debate!


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Haha, that was funny. Only thing funnier would have been a hornyhead chub!

On the Brookie, tough to say from that pic as we can only see half the fish. The fins that we can see look fairly clean and sharp. Pectoral may be a bit stunted, may just be the angle. Decently wild looking fish from the spot pattern...Not as much of a clue on Brookies as Browns, but still. Physical attributes lean wild by a little I think. Size and location caught lean stocked. 50/50 overall. Sorry OP for the cop out.
I'm going with wild on that one. I see enough attributes from the photo if you look close enough to comfortably lean that direction. Nice fish
I like the thread better before the picture ;-)
Leaning wild
DaveS, first pic is definitely not stocked.

Glad you pointed out you were kidding. One never knows when someone will take something like that seriously.;-)

As far as the brook trout... if I caught it, I'd call it a native. Nice fish, and wild enough for me. ;-)
It looks more like one of DaveS' paintings.
I meant DaveW. Sorry my autocorrect acts up some times.
PennypackFlyer wrote:
I meant DaveW. Sorry my autocorrect acts up some times.

Looking at the keyboard, I'm sure you used the correct finger.;-)

Just to add to the thread......I caught this "natural" earlier this year. The size is enormous as you can see from the photo. As an aside, the fly was a size 18.



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Looks like a chub
Brook trout, yep, caught more than my share. Native brookies, yep. Biggest me, was 17. Biggest pal was 19. Right here in Pa. Now, on this a waiver must be introduced. A slip of responsibility, a hazard pass, A never talk of this again, must be passed!

I can not in good conscience, spout off! Some things have to remain, Pristine. Others that followed kept a closed lip. Will I do it again. Probably not! If I did, I would keep 16 to 30! Did it, Took a garbage bag along, quarts and gallon bags had no use!

Guess I am holding a secret! Life has been good for the Maxima12!

As a note 3 casts, 3 fish, 24, 25 and 26. Have a witness! Daughter caught the 26, Biggest 27 1/2 caught by her sister>. Mounted, article in newspaper. A true story of love. Well, love fades away as many thigs in life. But memories never fade!

maxima12 wrote:
Native brookies, yep. Biggest me, was 17. Biggest pal was 19. Right here in Pa.
With all due respect, I'd have to see a pic of either one, or both of them. :-D