Boy that cried wolf or justified concern?

Lack of water is not a problem down here in WV. Haven't been able to get out and fish for over 2 weeks now. The streams in the New River Gorge are raging. They're a bit tricky to wade in normal levels, I ain't about to try to wade them right now.

Boy, you guys in the north got a good amount out of the last 2 systems 👍. Loves me some blue dots.
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Boy, you guys in the north got a good amount out of the last 2 systems 👍. Loves me some blue dots.
I remember complaining about how low/cold the streams were early season, now many streams are too high. The water table in a lot of areas must be pretty full, because these streams are keeping their water and not dropping so quickly after each t-storm.

Every time my streams are nearing a fishable level, we get another round of storms. Been over a month of this repetitious cycle. Can't wait until archery season. ;)
Conditions are perfect for mountain stream fishing.
I will be out on the stream tomorrow early AM. Can't wait with the higher water. Temps are supposedly holding high 50s all day in the area I'm going to - Perfect!
Dear Board,

Meanwhile, the Susquehanna and lower Juniata are turd brown and unwadeable. With no rain the Susky at Harrisburg might be wadeable by Labor Day.

Thank God for fire-tiger Rapalas, and boats. ;)


Tim Murphy :)
Dear Board,

Meanwhile, the Susquehanna and lower Juniata are turd brown and unwadeable. With no rain the Susky at Harrisburg might be wadeable by Labor Day.

Thank God for fire-tiger Rapalas, and boats. ;)


Tim Murphy :)
Juniata might be ok by Sunday. Susky will probably take another 5-7 days to flush out. After that, should drop quick and clear up nicely. It's been fishing good past couple weeks.
I only have until Sunday up here so...guess I'll go pluck some brookies.