Boy that cried wolf or justified concern?



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
Just short of mid April and the stream flow map is almost all red. It's still early with cool nights but the low flows already have me a little worried. Yes, we'll get 4" of rain in the two days leading up to the JAM but there's a lot of time between now and then. Anyone else starting to get a little pucker factor working?


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Just short of mid April and the stream flow map is almost all red. It's still early with cool nights but the low flows already have me a little worried. Yes, we'll get 4" of rain in the two days leading up to the JAM but there's a lot of time between now and then. Anyone else starting to get a little pucker factor working?
I'm definitely a bit concerned. Lack of a real winter with snow/snowmelt and a hot start to spring has me a bit worried. Hopefully rain picks up for the next two months to help out the fish.
I've been concerened for a little while now. I know one spot that I've been catching a lot of fish that they will soon need to move already due to the lack of water. I hope this weekend into Monday brings us a solid inch of rain even though I hate the timing of it!
The streams here in the SE are in terrible shape. I fished the Broadhead last week and it was low and rocks all covered with algae. Every time your fly drug bottom it was covered with it. Never saw it so low this early.

Since the general opener I've mostly been fishing the Jordan. Right now the flow is 31 CFS at the gauge in the Game Preserve. Where I was fishing yesterday upstream above 2 major tribs it's probably half that. When I was leaving I took a temp and was shocked to see it was 70*.

According to the forecast we are not going to get much rain on Sat. and only showers after that. We need a 3 or 4 day soaker.
Dear Kray,

It's so bad around here that soft hackles fished quartering downstream on Manada Creek on Monday were hanging up on rocks. I'm probably going to float tube Little Buffalo or Memorial Lake this weekend, or maybe wet-wade the Susky. The local trout waters are in rough shape, and things aren't much better elsewhere either.


Tim Murphy :)
I have the same concerns. Lots of red popping up on he USGS map.
Definitely a justified concern. Looking at the forecast for Saturday in south central PA it looks like about half an inch of rain Saturday and maybe another half early next week. That’s not much help.
Those long cool wet springs that lead to good trout fishing all summer might be a thing of the past.
Those long cool wet springs that lead to good trout fishing all summer might be a thing of the past.
I seem to remember spring being pretty wet last year or have I been smoking too much?
It's not going to get better.
It’s 87 degrees where I live, been mid 60s-70s all week. Tmr I’m going out fishing when they stock a local creek and it’s going to be a high of 84. I remember last year at this same stocking it snowed like 2-3 inches and was in the 20s. Rediculous weather
I fully understand that there are big swings in weather during the spring. High of 49 and then high of 77 the very next day. Where my concern comes in is the dry winter and virtually non existent precipitation of the spring so far. I remember when I started fishing and participated in opening day..... Often, streams were running full from March and early April rains. Over the last 10-15 years, it seems like the early spring rains have slid down the road and into late May - late June. I'll have to look at the records but believe there's been more high water events in May/June vs March/April
add the lack of winter we had with no snow pack/melt. this is not looking good. or less something changes fast.
I've been concerned for a while, because this has been happening pretty often the last number of years. These streams should be at their peak levels this time of year. Quite concerning.
Yeah, it hit me a few times this winter even. Water so low that algae was growing on rocks in March and no big runoffs to clean up leaf litter and whatnot. Had time this afternoon to sneak out, and I just don't like to trout fish in weather like this either. It doesn't feel right even though it's safe for the fish (beyond getting got by raptors, I guess).
I am way more than concerned about this as well. I thought that we had a very mild winter in Lancaster County but a cold March.

We are fortunate enough to have a USGS gauge just upstream from the Pocono R&G Club property. The temperature is 61.7 as of this typing.

I hope we get some much need rain and colder temperatures. I know that the growing season has started so I don't want anything below freezing to hurt farmers, but enough to cool the water.
Boise. This morning. They have snow in April and we have a fire danger warning.

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Weather dot com is predicting rain everyday from 4/21 - 4/27.