Big Native Brook Trout

I'd maybe get some eggs in that box of yours @Mikey2006. If you'd like I'd could give you a few of mine as I am tweaking the egg portion of my fly box for my upcoming steelheading trip in Mar. I will be taking out a lot of the smaller weightless eggs for this. I have never caught a brook trout on an egg pattern, but like many others have stated, I don't fish brookies this time of year. I got two browns on eggs in DEC of last year.
Don't give up on the flies. I think I'd try one of the five you have in Row 4 of the top fly box photo. They look like something a brookie would like. Since you have local limestoners, you might even target the trout in one of them with one of the nymphs. (Going to be cold Saturday; will be tough.)
I'd maybe get some eggs in that box of yours @Mikey2006. If you'd like I'd could give you a few of mine as I am tweaking the egg portion of my fly box for my upcoming steelheading trip in Mar. I will be taking out a lot of the smaller weightless eggs for this. I have never caught a brook trout on an egg pattern, but like many others have stated, I don't fish brookies this time of year. I got two browns on eggs in DEC of last year.
I tied a couple eggs although I had no idea what I was doing, I just wrapped some orange dubbing around the hook to form a ball and tied it off
Don't give up on the flies. I think I'd try one of the five you have in Row 4 of the top fly box photo. They look like something a brookie would like. Since you have local limestoners, you might even target the trout in one of them with one of the nymphs. (Going to be cold Saturday; will be tough.)
I’m definitely going to keep trying. I might have to only bring my fly rod because every time I try to bring a spinning and fly rod I give up after an hour and spinner fish. Im just gonna force myself to fly fish until I can catch some
Brookies do like eggs in my experience. If your going to tie some use Mcfly foam and you definitely need the nano silk type thread(strong) because if you can’t crank those wraps hard your egg foam won’t for lack of a better term “poof” into an egg
I’m definitely going to keep trying. I might have to only bring my fly rod because every time I try to bring a spinning and fly rod I give up after an hour and spinner fish. Im just gonna force myself to fly fish until I can catch some
Good call.
I've caught them in the Ditch when they are on midges on a Tenkara rod fishing a Purple & Snipe, but hey...

..that's me. ;)
True confession...In the 80s and 90s, I used to fish The Ditch a ton. I know the fish composition was much different then as opposed to now (hatchery escapees/artificial fishery then vs. exclusively wild trout now), but man did they love egg patterns. Best colors for me were Niagara Gold, Oregon Cheese, Apricot Delight. I sat the egg right on the bottom of the channel and then just watch them vacuum it up. Big fish couldn't stand the egg just laying there on the bottom and would finally give in. Same thing if you drop the egg on a cress bed. After a while, you get tired of it and either switch flies or pack it in. Egg patterns work very well on the Letort, Falling Spring, and Spring Creek too. Point being that while fish in those streams may largely feed on cressbugs, scuds, shrimp, etc., they know what eggs are, and even if they don't, their curiosity gets the better of them and they will hit it. Don't be afraid to experiment/think outside the box when fishing over highly educated fish or wild trout in a small stream. Patience and practice here is key as you will get out of it what you put into it.
True confession...In the 80s and 90s, I used to fish The Ditch a ton...

My go to at the Ditch in that same era was a red "worm" fly I crafted from horsehair (from a violin bow) that I washed until it was clear (thanks to Vince Marinaro for that tip), dyed red and wound on the hook.

The fished loved it and so did bluegills elsewhere. ;)
My go to at the Ditch in that same era was a red "worm" fly I crafted from horsehair (from a violin bow) that I washed until it was clear (thanks to Vince Marinaro for that tip), dyed red and wound on the hook.

The fished loved it and so did bluegills elsewhere. ;)
I fished a lot of redworms at Big Spring too. I tied them with red floss on curved scud hooks. Some, I also used red wire with orange floss in the middle. Back then when my eyes were much better, I could track that sucker with ease as it drifted in the plume coming out of the pipe. You know fish were stacked there like cordwood. Catch 50 fish and call it a day because your arm was sore. Glad I got to experience that back in the day. It was fun, but I'm accepting of the fact that the change there was needed, even though the fish below the Ditch are much more stingy these days :)
Ahh, the Good ol days at the ditch when the pipes were pumping. The smell of cheap cigarettes and skoal long cut. Traces of smuggled in powerbait. Freakishly large trout that I figured probably saw every single type of thing you could strap to a hook.

Nature at its finest.
Ahh, the Good ol days at the ditch when the pipes were pumping. The smell of cheap cigarettes and skoal long cut. Traces of smuggled in powerbait. Freakishly large trout that I figured probably saw every single type of thing you could strap to a hook.

Nature at its finest.
It was all you describe and more! As a teenager, it was fun. Fly fishing is an evolving process. The older you get, the more your tastes change. For me, I went from LL and the Central PA Limestoners to almost exclusively for mountain trout. I occasionally fish Special Reg areas, but my drug of choice is gem mining on blue lines away from everyone else.
Was out fishing today, fly rod only. Made the terrible descision to fish a higher elevation freestone stream which was literally covered with multiple inches of ice on some of the better, slow moving holes. You could see fish swimming under the ice. somehow got four fish to bite, didn’t hook any tho. one of them was a decent 7-8 Incher that bit my nymph when I lowered it through a hole in the ice. If I can get bites on a day like today though that’s a good sign I’ll definitely be able catch some where it warms up
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Nows a good time to fish spring influenced brook trout streams. I have heard brook trout are making a comeback in falling springs to an extent. Can anyone confirm they have caught what they suspected to be a non stocked one?
Nows a good time to fish spring influenced brook trout streams. I have heard brook trout are making a comeback in falling springs to an extent. Can anyone confirm they have caught what they suspected to be a non stocked one?
My friend was in the delayed harvest section and caught a wild brown today, I’ve caught wild rainbows and A wild brown there but no brooks. In the fly only section I haven’t caught any fish but I’ve only seen rainbows and browns.
My friend was in the delayed harvest section and caught a wild brown today, I’ve caught wild rainbows and A wild brown there but no brooks. In the fly only section I haven’t caught any fish but I’ve only seen rainbows and browns.
My friend was in the delayed harvest section and caught a wild brown today, I’ve caught wild rainbows and A wild brown there but no brooks. In the fly only section I haven’t caught any fish but I’ve only seen rainbows and browns.
I gotta figure out how brook trout got listed in the mixed class A for falling springs then or if it was a mistake. I mean in big spring not counting the ditch you see raimbows cruising around out in the open FAR more than brookies. Would not be suprised if there are a few brookies in there if thats how it is too
I've posed this question before. I know FSR really well. It has been a few years since I last fished it. If I had to make an educated guess...I'd be expecting brookies above either Garman or Springview Dr. if a) PFBC surveyed that section and b) the listing of brookies wasn't in error.
I've posed this question before. I know FSR really well. It has been a few years since I last fished it. If I had to make an educated guess...I'd be expecting brookies above either Garman or Springview Dr. if a) PFBC surveyed that section and b) the listing of brookies wasn't in error.
Yea i would believe if they are there its incredibly focal if not an error
I've posed this question before. I know FSR really well. It has been a few years since I last fished it. If I had to make an educated guess...I'd be expecting brookies above either Garman or Springview Dr. if a) PFBC surveyed that section and b) the listing of brookies wasn't in error.
The 2006 biologist report doesn’t list any brook trout other than one stocked fish. Idk how brook trout would suddenly appear in the creek if they haven’t stocked it at all in like 20 years so maybe it was an error. Also do you know when the last time they surveyed it was?