Best sites to sell salt and fresh water rod/reels



Feb 13, 2009
We are down sizing in 2016 and I have a ton of ff fresh and salt water rods and reels that I have accumulated over 50+years of ff.
I really have three questions:
1)where can I determine 'market value" for the items?
2)what sites should I be listing the stuff on(besides this site)?
3) what are some tips to moving this stuff without making it too time consuming?
Tom, like you I have been collecting gear for 50 years.
When I sell stuff I put on this site for a week at a good price then go to eBay . Ebay is a good place to determine what something is worth



I prefer ebay. It's great for determining true market value as long as you track similar items and watch what they actually sell for as compared to what some are listed for.

I also find ebay more hassle free then craigslist. With ebay you don't actually have to physically speak to negotiate the price. Craigslist is a PIA with low ballers and people who want to constantly lower their offer.

Personally I don't hoard gear. When I buy a new setup that does the same as an old setup I just give my old gear away to family, friends and the children of family and friends or whoever may need a rod and reel. I never keep more then about 20 rods at any given time since I'm pretty set in my ways. Keeps the clutter down and it makes me happy to see happy people.
Thanks..all good info

Since you have to post in a specific location on Craig's List,is there one region that has more potential buyers?(e.g Lehigh Valley)
Like others have said, eBay is probably the best option for a decent selling price. When listing, factor in the shipping cost and eBay's cut of the sale.

Personal experience on here and Craigslist resulted in ridiculous low ball offers that weree more of an insult than an offer. Offering $50 and a beat up 1494 reel as a swap for a Helios 2 isn't really an offer, it's an insult.

Another place that might work is the stripers online forum but they are tight with the rules. You have to join and contribute "x amount" of posts before you can contact someone selling an item or sell an item yourself.

Have you tries listing in local paper or tried consignment with a local fishing shop?
If paflyfish or Ebay doesn't work out, I take donations
Just laugh at the lowballers and dont waste your time replying, put that in your add so you dont miss a potential serious guy throwing out a low price to get the ball rolling.

Youre trying to make a few bucks, theyre trying to save a few bucks or more.

Eba, is well ebay. Find the right person and let the bidding wars begin. Not a real sign of fair market value imho.

If youre willing to ship theres a lot of sites. But youll need profiles and spend time on ea. this is what makes ebay so convenient.