best manufacturer of hooks

Becker knows nothing. Just like you Squatch.
and you ?????
Ramcatt once again if you knew how to read you would see that SBecker has only been tying and fishing for a year. I have been tying for 6 years now. I can send you a card with the alphabet on it to teach you how to read if you want.
Hey guys,

Looking to make a switch in hooks. Been using Mustad 3906 and 3906-Bs for years and knock on wood have never had a problem with them except they changed the quantity in the packaging and raised the price. Has anyone used any hooks from the Montana Fly Company?? If so what do you think of them.
I have used Montana hooks. I like them. In my opinion they are dai-riki hooks. So if you like dai-riki then you will be pleased.

If I were you I just stick with the s80 3906 The signatures have a wider gap then the classics. And the cost really isn't that much more. Your still getting a very high quality hoiok for a reasonable cost. Shop around online. You can still score them cheaper than fly shops offer. Just my opinion.
I began using Mustad hooks years ago, and never had a problem.
All sizes and types. I began using Tiemco hooks in much smaller quantities about 9-10 years ago, and they're fine. When Mustad announced they were dropping the classic hooks, I bought up as many as possible, but have used almost all of them. The Mustad Signature works dandy, and the micro barb is easier crimp down. I use the Signatures down to #22, and have never had any Mustad hook break (out of thousands). I did have a few that had mucked eyes from the factory, but less than 5. I do not believe I've ever missed a strike because a hook, whatever brand, was not sharp. I test my hooks for sharpness before they go into the vise, and after each fish and snag. A quality hook hone hangs from my vest at all times.

Here's my issue with hook brands. A Tiemco 100 is longer than a Mustad (classic or Signature) in the same stated size. The Mustad Signature hooks have a much wider gap than the classic Mustads,and that's an improvement, but I don't know that there is an industry standard for hook size. When someone says "They're
taking #18 BWO's," do they mean a Mustad Classic #18, or a Tiemco 100 #18? They're is a big enough difference in the two brands that I'd consider the Tiemco #18 to be very close to the Mustad #16. When using small BWO's, I haven't found that trout refuse one size while taking the other, but I know people who believe that size does matter.

I use a Tiemco standard nymph hook in size #6 for foam hoppers and Madame X's. That hook will stay sharp for an entire season, even with snags. Sort of remarkable, and I have a collection of them. I often use theh foam hopper as an indicator or hopper/dropper, and snag them quite bit. I'm always amazed at how resistant they are to dulling.