best manufacturer of hooks

frequent Tyer, I would agree with you on the Dry fly hooks of the AFF brand. We have made good strides on the improvment of them. We have improved the product in our Premium brand aswell. I am visiting the hook factory today in a few hours who makes my AFF line to discuss the dry fly hooks and to see a new hook machine in production for our barbless hooks. Im excited with the quality and progress of our hooks and always trying to improve for those that select to tie on our hooks.


The new Mustads are on par with Tiemco IMO. The horror stories about their incosistency are a thing of the past.

Daiichi has an edge in sharpness.

These are just my opinions and I can't really back them up with anything aside from my experience.

I switched from mustad to tiemco because the quality of tiemco is far better than the mustads. In my opinion mustads are made with junk steel. I don't like hooks bending or breaking and that is a problem with mustad. I haven't had a tiemco bend or break on me yet. Their heavy scuds are great for steelhead.
Leteras wrote:
Johnny Utah sorry to tell you but Mustad's Signature hooks are the same hook maybe even junkier. They slapped a name on it and lowered the quantity you can buy while raising the price.

This is with out a doubt the dopiest statement i think you ever made. You clearly have not used signature hooks.

Sorry to tell you i have been using mustad for many years and the signature hooks are certainly an improvement from the classics. Any person that has used the classics and signatures will tell you the same.
Leteras wrote:
I switched from mustad to tiemco because the quality of tiemco is far better than the mustads. In my opinion mustads are made with junk steel. I don't like hooks bending or breaking and that is a problem with mustad. I haven't had a tiemco bend or break on me yet. Their heavy scuds are great for steelhead.

Spoken like a true tiemco head.

I call B.S. on this statement. If you dont know how to select the right wire size for the fish your after then thats your fault and not the manufactures. Mustad makes a far wider range of hooks then tiemco. They make heavier hooks than tiemco. These are facts. But im sure your will have some childish semantics to try and justify your b.s.

Daiichi is king for steel. Dont you know that???

Besides this thread is about hooks for small dry flies.......Do you even tie small dry flies?

JohnnyUtah wrote:

This is with out a doubt the dopiest statement i think you ever made. You clearly have not used signature hooks.

Nope. The 1000 tiemcos for $28 is the dumbest thing.
No, the fact that he did not believe he was tying his flies too far down the bend of the hook, might have been the dopiest. Then again, I am the retarded one
You are, to be fair its why people like you and aren't annoyed with you. Your Dharma, as it were, is to be the foolish one.

In more important discussions, thread jackage is to be kindly relocated to the appropriate places. One should invoke Star Fleet's Prime Directive, and these sort of interrelations between Mr. Leteras and Mr. Utah are to be treated as sacrosanct, unmolested by you.

Now, just sit back, relax, and let it take wing and fly on its own. Nature is a beautiful thing, let it be.

Let it be.

Oh, and for what its worth, I'm pro Mustad classics. Cheaper than dirt. Then again, I own a hook file and understand its proper use. First time you ding your chemically sharpened [d]uberhook[/d]chou-hook off a tree or a rock under the water, what's teh damned point anyways (no pun intended).
Sbecker like I said when you post its like white noise in the background. Its like that annoying guy that you have to slap around to teach them a lesson. I haven't heard you post an intelligent thing on here yet. haha

As with johnny Utah mustads are garbage plain and simple they have alienated many people with their raise in prices too.
Sorry...Now go update your damn blog.
Spoken like a true tiemco user. Typical Mustad hating b.s. Funny how daiichi, and dai-riki people dont talk trash on mustad. Only the tiemco users. Hmm must be some contract you sign to get those 2.8 cent tiemcos, a clause in there "Must bash mustad whenever possible" hahaha

You should read tying small flies by Ed Engle. Oh wait you dont read informative material. hahaha
Dude, been fly fishing and fly tying for a year, yet I think I tie nicer flies then you. I will give you the Fry fly, I like it, really do. However, everything else is junk. My expertise on this site comes in around my local streams. When someone needs info, I help out. Because as an inexperienced FF I am not an expert at FF, so I try not to act like a know it all, as you do.

You need a place to stay, you're welcome in my house (not you personally). You want a fishing buddy or want me to show you some new water, I am much obliged to do so. Obviously, if you want to learn how to tie a caddis pattern or where to fish in illegal waters they should talk to you.

Now if you want to venture into OT, I will be happy to argue with you there.

Back on topic: I also like the Hends barbless hooks for small dry flys.
Specker, I think you should post your flies if you think they are nicer then Leteras. If you won't, you need to STFU.
????? Really? LMAO
Sbecker you have a negative take on all posts. Maybe a little positive attitude when talking to people would help you out.
I told you to take it to OT if you want to discuss, I will not derail this thread any further then I accidently did before. Do not keep trying to bait me any further here. Go on down to Schit chat and have a blast.
JohnnyUtah wrote:
Leteras wrote:
Johnny Utah sorry to tell you but Mustad's Signature hooks are the same hook maybe even junkier. They slapped a name on it and lowered the quantity you can buy while raising the price.

This is with out a doubt the dopiest statement i think you ever made. You clearly have not used signature hooks.

Sorry to tell you i have been using mustad for many years and the signature hooks are certainly an improvement from the classics. Any person that has used the classics and signatures will tell you the same.
I have used both the Classics and the Signature and must agree with you. I have also used Tiemco. I don't really notice alot of difference in any of them at least in the hook styles and sizes I use. They all catch fish! ;-)

so leterass has been only fly fishing and tying for a year?

Guys this is getting serious. SBecker has written over three coherent posts. Jokes are OVER!