best manufacturer of hooks

Mustad, "I agree they are just dull hooks out of the package". +1
Even the best diamond hook sharpener won't get them sharp.
I dont have a clue what mustad hooks you two are talking about. From the sounds of it, i would say neither of you have much experience with mustad at all. imo Everyone i ever had was plenty sharp and could be sharpened even easily. ime

I find it funny how tmc heads always and only talk trash on mustad. lol

I guess its there way to justify paying so (to)much for hooks. lol
jdaddy wrote:
StaggerLee wrote:
Leteras wrote:
Tiemco 2457 will not break.

+1 I agree with this statement...

Most folks don't use 2457 for dry fly hooks. Maybe an emerger . . .

If an emerger is floating in the film and is visible to the fisherman"s eye... would you not call it a dry fly??????? I would.

But i do agree with you Jdaddy, I wouldnt recommend a 2x heavy wire hook for a dry fly, let alone an emerger style dry.
i really like the dai-riki 125s
Floating nymph, not dry fly.
Last I knew that's what made a dry a dry fly, it floats.
I prefer Tiemco hooks.
JohnnyUtah wrote:
Last I knew that's what made a dry a dry fly, it floats.

Yeah, but they also should stay dry...Most people think of dry flies and emergers differently. There is a really funny (and likely apocryphal) story about the great dry fly purist Halford refusing to fish his most successful fly because someone pointed out to him that it rode low in the water and was probably mimicking an emerging insect. I have pretty much given up on the dry-wet-nymph distinctions and just think about what stage of the insect life cycle I am trying to mimic. But either way, the 2457 is not the best choice for a surface fly.
Back to the topic at hand, I have always favored TMCs, and used TMC 100 and 100BL for drys. I recently have begun to switch to the Dai Riki 300 mostly because it is a good hook at a reasonable price. I have not been thrilled with the dry fly hooks from Allen, but I do really like their nymph and scud hooks.
JohnnyUtah wrote:
Last I knew that's what made a dry a dry fly, it floats.

You obviously are not part of the Krayfish Delaware Posse
I dunno about Mustad hooks being "dull out of the box" I have tied a ton of flies and caught fish on Mustad hooks with no issues at all.

You just have to be careful with the older Mustad's when flattening the barb not to break it off cause it's so awkwardly large.
I was just in the process of ordering some of those allen hooks on the net but not so sure know. I had heard some good things about them in the past but not much mention on this post except from becker which wasnt the best recommendation. Anyone else have an opinion on these while we are on this subject?
Johnny Utah sorry to tell you but Mustad's Signature hooks are the same hook maybe even junkier. They slapped a name on it and lowered the quantity you can buy while raising the price.
flytyingfred wrote:
I was just in the process of ordering some of those allen hooks on the net but not so sure know. I had heard some good things about them in the past but not much mention on this post except from becker which wasnt the best recommendation. Anyone else have an opinion on these while we are on this subject?

Huh? I did not say anything about Allen hooks.
dai-rikis are garbage. I have a few packs in different sizes and more than a few shanks are bent right out of the box. The 1x strong wire bends with 2lb test and a little snag will bend the tip. I've had good luck with Orvis, Tiemco and Daiichi. Tie my egg flies on 2x strong mustads... cheap and won't bend. Good for steelhead.
I buy my Tiemco's from my supplier I buy them by the thousand so they cost almost nothing for me. I get 1,000 hooks for $28. So if I snag one who cares.
flytyingfred wrote:
I was just in the process of ordering some of those allen hooks on the net but not so sure know.

They're pumped out of the same factory as every other offbrand hook. They're plenty good.
Leteras wrote:
I buy my Tiemco's from my supplier I buy them by the thousand so they cost almost nothing for me. I get 1,000 hooks for $28. So if I snag one who cares.

$28.00 for a thousand, Care to share your TMC supplier?

Also, How are them Allen hooks?
Leteras wrote:
I buy my Tiemco's from my supplier I buy them by the thousand so they cost almost nothing for me. I get 1,000 hooks for $28. So if I snag one who cares.

Yeah, those 700% discounts are nice.
flytyingfred wrote:
I was just in the process of ordering some of those allen hooks on the net but not so sure know. I had heard some good things about them in the past but not much mention on this post except from becker which wasnt the best recommendation. Anyone else have an opinion on these while we are on this subject?

Fred, I might have been the slightly negative voice on Allen hooks. I was not thrilled with their dry fly hooks. It has been a while since I tried them, and I only tried them once. I remember them being a bit softer/easier to bend that I was used to. Also, the look and finish just was not as nice as TMC and the points seemed a bit dull. None of this was a huge problem, and I might have just gotten a bad batch. As I mentioned, I like their scud and nymph hooks. I would recommend trying them for yourself, as we all obviously can't agree on much of anything here.
I am going to keep my hook supplier under my hat for awhile. lol