tomgamber wrote:
hughzar wrote:
I drive a little Hyudai Accent and I love every minute of it! It zips me where ever I need to go without putting the hurt on my wallet. Space is super limited, but the drive's seat is comfortable. I mean really, who cares about passengers...
They key is being able to put a 9ft rod into it without breaking it down...
Heritage-Angler on 2011/1/12 15:47:41 Love my Yoda. Keeps gear under lock and key, never got stuck, gets good gas mileage, reliable as hell, and keeps undesireables out. Like bloody deer and ticks, wader stink, and most important - it's too small for gfen.
gfen wrote:
On Mahindra: Ain't gonna happen. They killed the contract with their proprosed distributer, have the price on their truck way, way up ($22K!!) and the mileage on the proposed diesel way down. Also, as an ex-diesel owner, it ain't all that. ULSD has killed the price advantage diesel sees in America. For the 30% bump in mileage, you pay a 20% bump in cost and many associated headaches.
On octane: If your car demands 87 octane, putting in 89, 93, etc provides absolutely zero positive benefit, and may actually result in worse performance. Your engine is designed to run within certain parameters, and fuel octane is one of them. By using higher octane fuel, the car has to retard performance to make up for gas that ignites at higher compression.
Most times the onboard computers can compenstate by changing operational parameters to fit what you've fed it, so if you accidently dump 87 into your high compression (ie, turbo) engine that demands 91, it won't have a very adverse effect other than decreased mileage and power. Doing so on a regular basis, however, will result in issues as the fuel ignites from compression, not spark, leading to damage. That pinging sound you hear isn't a good thing.
streamer-stripper wrote:
Screw the gas mileage...🙂
sandfly wrote:
Dang i let the air out of the wrong tires !!!!
franklin wrote:
trucks with bulldogs on them.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
it's too small for gfen. :-D
gfen wrote:
franklin wrote:
trucks with bulldogs on them.
Volvo? Your dad is Swedish? Do you have any of those nifty little red fish about, I find them quite tasty.
Biggie wrote:
I will never get rid of my suburban. (unless Obama makes me 🙂). When I'm fishing upstate NY and the other guys want to go out for dinner or something guess who's vehicle they all run to? I get hit hard with the gas price but atleast I'm comfortable driving any distance.
Bruno wrote:
The others look way too clean and have zero stickers on them. Fishing buggies require a certain degree of filth and stickers , IMO.