Bald Eagle Cr Proposed For Class A List

Spring has big trout no doubt about it not that much fun to me to slap the water in the trench with guys to catch bows and golden trout.
Hook_Jaw wrote:

Spring has big trout no doubt about it not that much fun to me to slap the water in the trench with guys to catch bows and golden trout.

The Trench. I haven't heard that term before, but maybe that's what we should call it.

Did anyone ever notice that the two best pools in The Trench are where the water plunges over sewer line pipe crossings?
No you wouldn't know troutbert your to busy resting on the couch while the real fisherman are out fishing. I'll take you fishing to real streams not 3 steps off the road.
The problem with "the trench" is that when you get your picture taken holding a big park trout everyone knows right where you caught it because those walls are always in the background
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
The problem with "the trench" is that when you get your picture taken holding a big park trout everyone knows right where you caught it because those walls are always in the background

What do you mean? You don't know where I caught this.

Exactly! Wow! Nice trout though even if it is a bread eater!

Please stay out of my secret honey hole.