Bad Vibes on remote waters ?

I've had that experience, and it definitely crossed my mind at the moment. But I would also be tremendously surprised if a beaver was in this spot, as it's the middle of the most populous shoreline on the lake and has been clear cut/(over)developed since far before I was born.

I do know for a fact a mink lives in a stream nearby. What I don't know is how a mink would make these sounds. So, of course, my animal brain decided it was probably actually a monstrous creature from the deep there to devour me...
Well fishing penns I parked down near Cherry run. During the course of the day I made it way upstream to the Broadwater section. I caught sulfurs and March Brown spinners so I ended up fishing until about 10:00 at night. When I decided it was time to leave I turned on my headlamp, made it about two steps and it went out. That's a pretty long walk back to the car in pitch black and I heard a lot of s*** running around in the woods. I was pretty uneasy to say the least as I couldn't see where I was going and could hear animals running all around me.
hooker-of-men wrote:
I've had that experience, and it definitely crossed my mind at the moment. But I would also be tremendously surprised if a beaver was in this spot, as it's the middle of the most populous shoreline on the lake and has been clear cut/(over)developed since far before I was born.

I do know for a fact a mink lives in a stream nearby. What I don't know is how a mink would make these sounds. So, of course, my animal brain decided it was probably actually a monstrous creature from the deep there to devour me...

You also might be tremendously surprised at some of the places where beaver reside including Cleveland suburbs. They are everywhere, and these animals tend have less fear of humans.

I also used to live in a lake community of about 1000 homes. I'd often walk back to the dam to fish, and there were beaver living under the bank that would take exception to me being there. Although there were no houses within a couple hundred yards of them, the area was clearcut. BTW, beaver like clearcut because small saplings come up.

I also had mink walk right up to me. Imagine their surprise when the realized I wasn't a huge stump.

But here are a couple other possibilities.

Carp. They will sometimes breach like a freakin whale.

Someone just trying to scare you off by throwing a stone in the water, if it is that developed.

Seriously doubt it was a mink, unless it was trying to take down a carp.;-)
This is no s#!t...

The only problem I ever had in the PA woods was near the headwaters of Blair Run.

One Sunday afternoon I was prospecting for Dutronium Crystals and brook trout when all at once I was surrounded by a scream of 5 Squatches. (A Scream is the term used for a group of Squatches...)

Keeping my head in a bad situation I was able to kick three of the brutes in the shins and immediately drop them. (The only way to reliably disable a Squatch is to kick it in the shins...)

The other two, seeing that I was a trained Squatch Watcher, ran way to save themselves.

And wouldn't you know it. When I tried to take pictures of the three I had downed my camera malfunctioned.

Since then I have not resumed prospecting in that area. Star Fleet Command is just going to have to get along using those Dutronium Crystals imported from Fukishima, Japan...
Sadly, Shorty, you seem to have run the Squatches out of Blair Run. No one has seen one there for years. Don't you feel guilty?
I just so happen to have some Dutronium crystals for sale if you need some.
I get somewhat antsy when I''m fishing a remote stream by myself, and I get into a section that's really thick with rhododendron.
I don't like not being able to see around - especially if its high gradient, and the water is roaring so that I can't hear very well either.

Really don't want to walk up on a bear - or other animal - and startle it
I find myself constantly peering around in that situation.
Just feel a lot more comfortable when I can see - and hear - anything that might be near.

I got a totally different bad vibe just last week while fishing a section of the Frankstown branch that I had never been on before.

As I was walking down a trail alongside the stream, I kept hearing these big splashes up ahead.
Shortly, I came upon a clearing in the trees, I saw 3 young people hanging out along the water with a fire going.

One of the guys was throwing something quite heavy attached to a long rope into the water.
And slowly retrieving it, then tossing it back out to a different section of stream.

As I approached them, I asked the fellow what he was fishing for.
He showed me a big magnet on the end of the rope, and said that he was trying to pickup snagged lures on the bottom of the stream.

As we were talking, I noticed a gun leaning against a tree, that looked a lot like an uzi.
When the fellow saw me eyeing it up, he said that they brought it with them for protection
Because the last time there, a bear had come up behind them.
Yeah, Ok............

I quickly exited the scene!

Do you own guns? Are you familiar with the laws and taxes associated with owning a legitimate uzi or anyother automatic weapon?

Uncle Shorty, again like the cedar plank goose cook method, you made me spit beer out my nose. Thank you. Also a reliable Squatch sign of peace.
FarmerDave wrote:
hooker-of-men wrote:
Nymph-wristed wrote:
Never in the woods, but on the beach at night for sure. I guess the ocean is the biggest mass grave in the world, so that has something to do with it. Plus, surf fishing in the dark (no moon to speak of best conditions) and so windy a bus could sneak up on you. Ghosty AF.

This sounds terrifying.

I hadn't thought about larger bodies of water in regards to this thread. I wade large lakes up here in the spring and fall for LL and lakers. By far the eeriest vibes I have had in the past year of fishing was in the shallows of Lake George one night around 10 pm when it was windy, waves were crashing, and some kind of nature decided to start cannonballing the water LOUD about 10 feet from me - not fish sounds, animal sounds. It sounded like someone throwing a brick at me, but no one was around and it was too dark to see the mink or whatever it was. Then every wave after that made me jump. Had to leave.

It was likely a beaver. It can be unnerving when they slap their tail on the water if you are not familiar with it. And yes, they will get that close.

Yes, I have had that beaver experience! Scary the first time, and then just annoying if one of you doesn't give up the turf!
Nymph-wristed wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
hooker-of-men wrote:
Nymph-wristed wrote:
Never in the woods, but on the beach at night for sure. I guess the ocean is the biggest mass grave in the world, so that has something to do with it. Plus, surf fishing in the dark (no moon to speak of best conditions) and so windy a bus could sneak up on you. Ghosty AF.

This sounds terrifying.

I hadn't thought about larger bodies of water in regards to this thread. I wade large lakes up here in the spring and fall for LL and lakers. By far the eeriest vibes I have had in the past year of fishing was in the shallows of Lake George one night around 10 pm when it was windy, waves were crashing, and some kind of nature decided to start cannonballing the water LOUD about 10 feet from me - not fish sounds, animal sounds. It sounded like someone throwing a brick at me, but no one was around and it was too dark to see the mink or whatever it was. Then every wave after that made me jump. Had to leave.

It was likely a beaver. It can be unnerving when they slap their tail on the water if you are not familiar with it. And yes, they will get that close.

Yes, I have had that beaver experience! Scary the first time, and then just annoying if one of you doesn't give up the turf!

This conversation could go South very quickly.;-)
An Uzi :lol:
I think DRG meant an AR15? Uzis I thought were compact pistol sized sub machine guns, something you could conceal under a coat or keep in a console in your vehicle. Doesn’t seem like the type a gun you lean on a tree. Plus they’ve been illegal for some time.
Semi-automatic Uzis are legal here in PA.
So an uzi can be both either semi or fully automatic and with any automatic, at least here in PA, it is legal given you are correctly qualified and licensed. The usual uzi that would come to mind when one thanks of the word is the subcompact, fully auto type yet there are accessories available that extend both the muzzle and butt and could very well reach the length of a standard AR-15.
Well, it was a good thread while it lasted. See you gents in the ugly fish thread... until someone suggests shooting that poor fish.
All right guys.
I sure didn't mean to derail this nice thread.
Can we just drop it?
Yes. Dropped.

Back to woodsie stuff. I like this thread. Lots of action on a somewhat more "quieter" forum!
