silverfox wrote:
On a more general note, my experience with taking my daughters fishing, is that they much prefer fly fishing or artificials to bait. When they were little I took them bait fishing and they thought it was cool for the first fish. After that it was boring. Later, when they were a little older I would take them bait fishing and they were pretty much bored right away.

When they were big enough to wade and cast, I got them into fly fishing. It was a revelation for them. Now my youngest one (10 years old) begs me to go. My older daughter (14 years old) is more interested in iphones and friends. She never was the outdoorsy type no matter how hard we tried. She still likes to go occasionally and spin fishes. Neither of them want to fish bait anymore and they're still very young.

In reflecting on this, it's pretty much the same trajectory I had. My dad started me on worms when I was a toddler and moved me to flies when I was maybe 10 or so. So for bait fishing at the very early ages, take them to a farm pond for bluegill with worms. It's faster action and they don't care about the difference between a bluegill and a trout. Once they can wade, or at least get in the water a few feet, get them into artificials. Fly fishing preferred :) They'll much prefer the constant action, motion, activity over lawn chair worm swimming.

So the "equipment regulations take fishing opportunities from kids" holds zero weight in my book.

Totally agree. The kids are being used as pawns to accomplish the goals of the adults in most cases. As someone stated earlier, none of these opponents brought their kids to the pfbc meeting to state their case and in fact, most of the outspoken critics were old enough that their kids would be grown adults at this point.

All this reminded me of when my daughter started kindergarten. She could not put blocks in a triangle format as requested by the counselor. She never worked with building blocks. She ended up going to developmental kindergarten because of this. Now, if they had put a fly rod in her hand and was told to tie a fly on and cast it..... I taught her well enough that she disliked fly fishing for several years. But today, when she goes with her boyfriend and friends, the word comes back that if my daughter fishes no one else catches anything.
PennypackFlyer wrote:
All this reminded me of when my daughter started kindergarten. She could not put blocks in a triangle format as requested by the counselor. She never worked with building blocks. She ended up going to developmental kindergarten because of this. Now, if they had put a fly rod in her hand and was told to tie a fly on and cast it..... I taught her well enough that she disliked fly fishing for several years. But today, when she goes with her boyfriend and friends, the word comes back that if my daughter fishes no one else catches anything.

When you go fishing, nobody catches anything downstream of you, but that is likely due to something else.
timbow wrote:
..., none of these opponents brought their kids to the pfbc meeting to state their case and in fact, most of the outspoken critics were old enough that their kids would be grown adults at this point.

You've heard of Grandchildren, right. They're those children you don;t always have to take everywhere you go but are perfect for taking fishing. My dad never fished but my grandfather did. Your point: invalid.
tomgamber wrote:
timbow wrote:
..., none of these opponents brought their kids to the pfbc meeting to state their case and in fact, most of the outspoken critics were old enough that their kids would be grown adults at this point.

You've heard of Grandchildren, right. They're those children you don;t always have to take everywhere you go but are perfect for taking fishing. My dad never fished but my grandfather did. Your point: invalid.

Or perfect to use as your excuse when trying to petition for your agenda. There are so many kid-oriented fishing derbies and opportunities within this state that Gramps doesn't need to have Class A streams stocked so that he can take little Tom out fishing once a year. Your point: invalid
afishinado wrote:
Here is report from Penns Creek Angler about the extension of trout fishing to the lower section of Penns Creek>

With the addition of the new water down stream of RT235 we will get an extra week of the Drake on the lower end, that will be three weeks of the drake below Weikert. The hatch will be here before you know it!. I'd do some scouting of the lower water in advance of the Drake Hatch!. The March Browns & Grey Fox are going pretty good on the lower water.

And think about the kids!! They never were able to trout fish and now have trout to fish for right behind their cabins!!

Everybody knows mayflies only hatch in special regs waters. Now if we could only train the stoneflies and caddis, we'd be set.
I wonder if all the kids would be happy if they realized that fisheries management that suppresses wild trout populations is being laid on THEIR shoulders, by adults who should know better.
All this talk of kids fishing! When do you ever see kids out on their own taking an interest in fishing? Not knocking anyone but newsflash-kids don't give a darn about fishing anymore. No amount of song and dance and special days for kids and stocking big golden whoppers is going to change that. Culture has moved on.
The middle school here has a trout stream running through the property that is stocked heavily and is youth fishing only. I just picked my daughter up from school and there was a kid standing in front of the doors with a stringer full of fish talking to the principal. He looked quite proud of himself. I smiled and gave him the thumbs up. Seemed to have drawn quite a crowd.

I asked my daughter about the kid with the trout and she said they stocked it today and they all watched from the school.

I see a good number of kids riding bikes with fishing rods here. I don't think all is lost. Honestly, one of the things that get's a lot of heat these days is instagram and the "grambassadors" and "instaguides" etc. However, kids are on instagram, and the more that see the awesome trout fishing photos there, the better.
silverfox wrote:
The middle school here has a trout stream running through the property that is stocked heavily and is youth fishing only. I just picked my daughter up from school and there was a kid standing in front of the doors with a stringer full of fish talking to the principal. He looked quite proud of himself. I smiled and gave him the thumbs up. Seemed to have drawn quite a crowd.

I asked my daughter about the kid with the trout and she said they stocked it today and they all watched from the school.

I see a good number of kids riding bikes with fishing rods here. I don't think all is lost. Honestly, one of the things that get's a lot of heat these days is instagram and the "grambassadors" and "instaguides" etc. However, kids are on instagram, and the more that see the awesome trout fishing photos there, the better.

Shobers Run?
timbow wrote:
tomgamber wrote:
timbow wrote:
..., none of these opponents brought their kids to the pfbc meeting to state their case and in fact, most of the outspoken critics were old enough that their kids would be grown adults at this point.

You've heard of Grandchildren, right. They're those children you don;t always have to take everywhere you go but are perfect for taking fishing. My dad never fished but my grandfather did. Your point: invalid.

Or perfect to use as your excuse when trying to petition for your agenda. There are so many kid-oriented fishing derbies and opportunities within this state that Gramps doesn't need to have Class A streams stocked so that he can take little Tom out fishing once a year. Your point: invalid

I don't even know what the topic is. I tried to look but it was statements like this that made me not care.
tomgamber wrote:
timbow wrote:
tomgamber wrote:
timbow wrote:
..., none of these opponents brought their kids to the pfbc meeting to state their case and in fact, most of the outspoken critics were old enough that their kids would be grown adults at this point.

You've heard of Grandchildren, right. They're those children you don;t always have to take everywhere you go but are perfect for taking fishing. My dad never fished but my grandfather did. Your point: invalid.

Or perfect to use as your excuse when trying to petition for your agenda. There are so many kid-oriented fishing derbies and opportunities within this state that Gramps doesn't need to have Class A streams stocked so that he can take little Tom out fishing once a year. Your point: invalid

I don't even know what the topic is. I tried to look but it was statements like this that made me not care.

Maybe next time you should take the time to understand what the topic being discussed is before commenting that someone’s point is invalid.

All I can say to the whole thread is lol wasted time trying to debate this.
timbow wrote:

Maybe next time you should take the time to understand what the topic being discussed is before commenting that someone’s point is invalid.

I wasn't arguing the topic. I was pointing out how your "evidence" was invalid for any topic. It was kind of disappointing too. I was hoping to see what all the fuss was about. When I saw the kind of false reasoning you were trying to use I just pointed it out. I'm sure you have a good argument for or against whatever this is. I just haven't seen any. Its just unrelated anecdotal evidence. Its funny though.
FarmerDAve, I'd fish with you anytime!

Some really good "stuff" coming out in this thread. Sure, we may not view every point quite the same and that's just flat out o.k. We've been willing to read and ponder the views of others and we've responded with civility and respect. Oh, and our statements have been made in a manner others can clearly understand. Kudos to you, folks!
Oldlefty, just got back today 5/ 11/ 19 from Tobyhanna state park and Gouldsboro Pa. Great 4 day trip, lots of fish===all Brook Trout!

Leaving on the 13th for a week on Kettle Creek. Will review posts and get back tonight.

Yes! Lefty, It is a great thing we all recognize each other in a gentleman, professional manner.

I would suspect, tonight, some insight to ponder will continue!

Thank you.

TO THE POINT! What have you all gained on Penns Creek, you didn't already have. New regs, more posted ground, less parking, you got that for sure! Was it a Victory or a Loss?

Protect wild trout, yes. This is all accomplished from a landowner, fish commission, fisherman network of trust and a reliable relationship between all that use this waterway. Who may be a farmer, a manufacturer, a water company, township, city, etc.

Education, conservation, soil erosion, road runoff, stream enhancement should be #1 priority. All the rest will follow

I have listened to age and wisdom about Penns Creek till my ears fell off. What is needed is YOUTH AND SPEED!

Well, i would bet, The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts could canvas the area, with a small brochure, asking that all get involved, lift the posters and lay the groundwork for a greater than ever Penns.

So, going back to #1 post. Maybe the kids will have the final say and take back all that we took!

What exactly do you propose the boy and girl scouts to peddle that will make penns better than ever? In stream habitat is already really good in most places. Really they only conservation practice that could and should be improved upon in my opinion would be to work more with farmers especially plain sect farmers to stop pasturing animals in small tributaries. Mainly in the Pine and Elk Creek drainages. The drive into Ingelby and over to Coburn gives you a pretty good visual on this issue. So I am curious Maxima what will you propose to benefit wild trout in Penns?
Boy and Girl Scouts? Maybe you can get Wally and the Beav to help too.