Articulated Fly Swap

Midnightangler. Could you post a video or sone step by step pictures of your fly?
sure. I'll post a step by step tomorrow.
flyfishermanj flies arrived today. Great ties. That wraps it up then. I will get everyones flies in the mail on Monday. I work this weekend so no time until Monday. All the flies look awesome!

Great swap everyone!
Thanks for hosting and I look forward to everybody's ties.
Sweet. Thanks for hosting
Bobby great job hosting this swap! Thank you. Can't wait to see these flies.
All flies went out today. You should all be receiving them soon! I am attaching pictures of each....they all look great!


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awesome work here! cannot wait to get em.

thanks for hosting!
Got my flies today. They look even better than the pictures! Now to get out and fish them.
Received mine as well. Nice flies!
Got mine yesterday! This was by far my favorite swap I've ever participated in. Some great flies and all will get a spot in the meat box. Thanks everyone. Whoever did the cougar, you did a hell of a job!
You are welcome Dub :)
I want to watch you tie one of those. I can never get the head that clean.
No prob we will get together one day.
To those who contributed extras for the moderators, I received mine today. To everyone who participated at all, I am also grateful. The ones I received were really nicely tied and obviously very expensive to assemble. I appreciate the sacrifice in time and money you made to provide this token of appreciation to the site and the moderators.

I have been unable to participate in any swaps in a few years, nor to make my swap pages to show off the talent of our participants. Nonetheless, I congratulate you all for participating and say that I never regretted getting involved in any of the myriad of activities organized by the members of PAFF. You've done yourself proud and earned my thanks.

Perhaps someone can show me some slamhogs to which I might fish these monstosities. I'm thinking I should save them for a trip to Penns or if I ever make it to the Delaware.
Yeah, I got a nice little package of Articulated streamers in the mail today. Nice ties guys! I am impressed and appreciative that you would extend your generosity to me in this way.

I cannot wait to try them.

Hey my wife even liked them. She even said why don't you tie flies like this. She especially liked the "dangly" ones.

Two thumbs up!

Got my flies yesterday. I usually ask the swapmaster to send my flies to a needy noobie on the site, but couldn't resist seeing some of these flies. Really good stuff! Great job! Those dogs will hunt!

Guys thank you for your gift to the mods. I really admire all the nice flies you guys can put together for something like this. I look forward to going through the thread and seeing tied up each fly.

Thanks again.
