Are You a Spot Squatter?

If you see me sitting in a chair, your bet is stop. Take a chair, a shake, a leader, couple flies and listen! Chirp of birds, the frog, take a smell in the air , the fragrant air, watch the leaves, take a sip of that cold one, get ready for the Blast of "What's Going On".

Chairside fisherman, sometimes i catch several limits. Get your pole, they say! For you, with a smile, i say!

One more would be more than i ever deserved. Always one more, seemed to be a problem at one time. One less now, i seem happier!

The round. Yes i found the round, the whole example of fun, relaxation and fulfillment.

Round is me in a really square society. If you only new!

Hell, you don't even know my name but you carry a part me in your vest. Find me, i doubt that, a number, yes the number----------

the number is 12. Search for the 12 and you may find a trail that runs cold! Those that searched found a friend. Forever!

Not listed, not represented, not found! The way of the true fly fisherman. Not found!

The books will tell you what, he did in a day, I laugh, sissy, Quick for a cool spin note, good for a beer. My spin is good for a lifetime of beer! Been drunk since 20 on Pa. With a blessing from the Pope Of Rome.

Spin that into yarn for your best leader. You know, the one that will last a lifetime . Lifetime for this spin is fishing. Never changed my direction, took
a different route but always got there!

Yin and Yang, you need it! All Yin and no Yang makes a man yellow! Inside and out! I saw the golden hair goddess, with a sword in one hand and a fly rod in the other. Rod first, then sword to finish all non believers.

My question-------simple------ do you deserve to blast your act on another loving the moment. For you, yes, i see it. You think it is ruined, I think, Oh Boy, lets get down there. Bring it back!

Slate Run area has a few non conformers, a bittersweet encounter, I figure it simple-------loser. Many a questionable come here and leave like they came. Nothing!

A quirk is common when money, a scheme is developed. You win, no.
Railroad always has 2 meanings. You and the railroaded.

Tom, love ya but will never understand. Hope your cigar is big and lasts forever! Send some smoke south for a remember of what happened. In return, i will send smoke back, turn your hair golden and we start again! Remember when we were hard. I am golden old but harder than hell now!

Remember talk of a dam! Bone piles in Antrim! I guess not! Thrill of 100 dollar bills. I dig. But i must say, i still dig earthworms.

Got any for sale!

Rattlesnake Rock, bold reminder of what is lost. No more Rattlesnakes, just visitors to a deep hole with no fisherman.

You did it, kept everyone away. All good up that way. You know me as the kid with the leaders. Well the kid grew up and figured it out.

I had to tell some guys at the SGL on the WB years ago that we weren’t in South Philly after a snowstorm and those chairs don’t hold your spot while you go to the Circle E in Hancock for lunch. Rising fish in front of empty chairs and yes, they were serious. Might have had something to do with that big cooler.
I'm sure I've seen the same angler standing in his waders at the riffle leading into Cairns Pool on the Beaverkill for over 35 years now taking up that spot. He certainly pisses in his waders every day. His car has four flat tires! He hasn't moved in 35 years, the same angler in the same riffle at the top of Cairns Pool. He's there now! Now that's squatting!
So you saw Jesus, fishing for all. I knew he was around! I would have walked out handed him some leaders and asked for a Blessing! Later, we would swap #. Mine a phone and his a direction!

You may find yourself as a leader or a follower. Funny the leader needs a follower and the follower needs a leader. Twisted fate. Two hands to one!

One thing bad with 4 flat tires, 2 bad legs! In that case float------!Never underestimate the foe!

Yes, he had the only hole on the stream that had fish. When i run into this type, "hey" keep me 2, i have not eaten in a week! Thanks brother, I will enjoy life as it is offered. You see it bad, i see it as drinking a cold one, cheering on from my stoop!
Spot Squatters, Finnaticals, Millennials, Flat Brimers, Spot Burners, x factors, Rubber Necker, Globe Spotters, Pitch Hitters, Rubber legs, forest chumps, hillbillies, pushovers and turnovers. I like those people.

I do not like Bottom Feeders, Stretch Suspenders, Simms Waders, good rod in a poor hand. I like Testicles, Wallet and Watch.

All getting wet at once. Man that is wet is the man that fished!

Yeah, Wet. Swimmith or Drownith.

Livith in Pa. Joyith in that!

Maxima 12

Many more to joy in Pa. for others. A bird, a tree, a rock, a ridge, a burr in a tree, mushroom, a triple perfecti!
Are you a Squat Spotter?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
troutbert wrote:
Are you a Squat Spotter?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Occasonally, I have to take a squat in the woods.
And I sure hope no one has spotted me then!
Speaking of the Beaverkill, last I was there a year or so back I spent an hour of Saturday morning laying on a rock mid-stream hoping the Pabst hatch from the night before didn't finally kill me. Is that squatting or an even lower form of destitution? Spot vagrancy?
I'm a spot squatter and a squat spotter and proud of it.