Anyone going to "battle" this weekend?

I understand that you like fishing. You probably also like your fingers. Doing one may cause loss of the other.
Nope. To be quite honest, I ain't got nothing to prove. But I was really looking forward to February from that earlier thread that predicted a serious warming trend during this month. Tie some flies ..... spring is coming!
Fishing this weekend seems like a silly endeavor but I heard big browns can be had at daybreak. With temps at or below zero at that time of day tomorrow and Sunday you should have the stream to yourself. Hope you can find some flowing water in between the ice.

I'll be "doing battle" with some Dogfish Piercing Pils and New Belgium Fat Tire while I whip up a few flies for use when it gets above 40.
Also might do some groundhog hunting.
And, ;-) that's how you get to fish the Tribs without seeing another fisherman at the popular locations.
Busch Clash (Sprint Unlimited) tomorrow night. 6er of SN's 2016 Beer Camp - Tropical IPA. NY Strip Streak. way.

Lager and supercross on FS1.
I'm off sunday and monday.
Taking the little lady to a concert and dinner on sunday.
I could fish monday. And, in the past, I have hit some nice BWO hatches in mid february on yellow creek. But with that frosty forecast, I'm not even gonna try this year. Better weather is coming
Up to -20 wind chills and frostbite within a half hour of exposure?

Go for it.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Up to -20 wind chills and frostbite within a half hour of exposure?

Go for it.

You sasquatches' have all that long hair to keep you warm - unlike the rest of us!
dryflyguy wrote:
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Up to -20 wind chills and frostbite within a half hour of exposure?

Go for it.

You sasquatches' have all that long hair to keep you warm - unlike the rest of us!

Yeah, but I ain't no Yeti!
I have been lucky to get out A few times already this year with the great weather we have be having. As for this weekend this is way beyond my comfort zone. The coffee pot is on and the tying bench is calling my name.
I used to like to go out in sub freezing weather, for a little while at least. I used to brag that I hit a local popular spring hole when it was below 10 to avoid the crowds.

I'm all over that now. Yes, there will be plenty of time when the weather is nice.
This wind is brutal. Too much to fly fish effectively but I do love fishing in sub zero temps on spring creeks. There is a quiet beauty to the way they steam in the early morning hours. One of my favorite experiences all season.
Sub zero, or sub-freezing!? I can take sub-freezing (20s-low 30s). Homie don't play negative digits, though.
Sub zero.

Josh and I fished a spring creek in -11 and had a wonderful day. I love watching big spring down in the ATW and its giant weed mats during sub zero. The way it steams in a bright morning sun is breathtaking.

What sucks is when your waders break and you get frost nip ;-)

You just gotta know your limit, take tons of breaks, move slow and take time to warm up in your car every 30 mins to and hour.
It's not for everyone, but like scotch it's an acquired taste I've come to enjoy.

It's funny this came up. My soon to be wife asked me the other day if I was ready for spring and I looked down and said no. In shock she asked why not? I told her we never really got that deep freeze that I love to go out in. Every time we got the little bit we did, I had kids or obligations and we didn't have enough of them that I had free time. She said yeah I had a feeling you would say that. This woman understands me very well. She likens me to a gypsy. I love nature and everything that comes with each season. There is a vulnerability, a quiet solitude and a beauty to a deep freeze. It allows you to truly appreciate how lucky you are to be alive and have the things you have living in this country. I've grown to love it but only two rules appliy, You must come very prepared and you must except it's not a fishing trip but rather a nature trip. Catching a fish is a bonus, the true spirit of it lies more in the realm of watching gods plan at work.
I am just going to sit at home and hug the heater today. I don't like to go out if it is below 25 just because guides start freezing way to often for me.
nope my limit is 30F with no wind.

i'm an ex-skier and i love the cold but to fish this , nah too much of a PITA.

there are two hardy souls out fishing the White Clay this morning though, i saw them on the way back from my Heuvos Y Chorizo.

days like today are made for making fishing plans by the fire with a decent Crianza, or perhaps a wee dram or two of a lowland single malt fa the Homeland.