Allegheny County fall DH stocking



Nov 17, 2014
Hi folks... uh yeah sorry for my several month absence. I live in PA again. Moved back in AUG. graduate school is kicking my @ss.

Meanwhile, I noticed the DH water in Allegheny County, pine creek and deer creek was supposed to get a fall stocking in late October. I tried it out early last month and saw zero.

Did it get canceled?

Here is the note from the stocking page:

10/25/18 Rescheduled From Oct 2 2018

I tried it a week or two before the 25th. I didn't see the resched post. It may have been a late posting. I just thought they stocked some really dumb fish because what fish could resist my offering. I also pondered that maybe they stocked some new hybrid that was super smart but quickly dismissed that idea. Anyway, I had a nice smoke and called it a day. I feel much better now.
Pine creek DHALO was stocked but it was a later stocking...I stopped a week or so ago during a warmer day...I caught both Brookies and Browns throughout the entire section
FYI, North Park lake was stocked yesterday.
I think I will try to get out to pine tomorrow unless it is blown out. The water gauge looks a little high. In any case, I will get out soon.

Hope you have better luck than me. Hit Pine at first light yesterday morn (actually had to sit in the car for about 15 mins before walking to the stream). Caught only 1 fish over about 1:45 of fishing. Just not sure there's much left in there. Or... I could suck as a fisherman, there's always that.