afterfeather/plume ties (what is this stuff called?)



Sep 4, 2009
What is this stuff called--the fluffy part of the feather at the end? I have a hen saddle I've been using for soft hackle wets, and this stuff has great afterfeather. I tie it behind the heads on caddis emerges, and as tails on mini buggers. Is there a standard tie it's used for?
I used it on small buggers when I didn't have the right color marabu, it works just as good but isn't very long.

You mean the filoplume, the "aftershaft" or secondary feather behind a main feather?

Gartside was fond of them, several of his ties call specifically for them. The one that springs immediately to mind is his swimming nymph.
filoplume--that's it. I love how the stuff looks under water. Seems like it would be great for the kicking legs/wings of emerging caddis. I'll try to find the Meck and Gartside ties.

Thanks guys