A "great" fly fisherman

one fall evening on the Missouri river in Montana I only caught five but they were in this order- 4 pound brown,5 pound brown ,6 pound brown, 71/2 rainbow and then a 9 pound brown- chances are NO ONE in the history of the sport has ever done that- does that make me one of the great ones -nah but I was a lucky S.O.B. to be at the right place at the right time....and OH what a memory [the only time that really stands out in 75 years of fishing]
Landmark wrote;

I consider myself to be the greatest living fly fisherman.

Finally a guy with the cojones to come out and tell us how good he is. Awesome!
PeteG41 wrote;

one fall evening on the Missouri river in Montana I only caught five but they were in this order- 4 pound brown,5 pound brown ,6 pound brown, 71/2 rainbow and then a 9 pound brown- chances are NO ONE in the history of the sport has ever done that- does that make me one of the great ones -nah but I was a lucky S.O.B. to be at the right place at the right time....and OH what a memory [the only time that really stands out in 75 years of fishing]

You Sir are one amazing angler. I've been fishing the Missouri for 24 years and while I've caught many large browns I've never weighed a single one of them. Maybe you'd be kind enough to share some pictures of those leviathans. Where pray tell did you have such a fantastic evening? Between Holter and Craig or maybe up in the Land of the Giants?
Great, Well in fact, are we not all that. We did it, maybe well, maybe a hobby, maybe once, how about that! I consider that Great!

In a world of great, by standards of riches, we are equal when it comes to fly fishing. All the money may not bring one to bay! e seem to be equal on desire!. I desire wealth, gave it away, for a swimming foe!

I am richer now, with what i gave and lost! I am rich Pa. Take the car, the house, the dog, the stocks, the bonds. Yes, you broke me in riches but you 4 eyed bastard, you will never break the spirit of Pa. Beautiful, that is me! Seems all my life i have felt the Prick of your pen.

My hooks and feathers gave me more than your prick of judgement!

Judge me for never to judge yourself! I am use to it! I will not give up, I am the Beauty of Pa. Beat the dog, he will be there when you come home! Believe me, in time you will come home!

Great, Well in fact, are we not all that. We did it, maybe well, maybe a hobby, maybe once, how about that! I consider that Great!

In a world of great, by standards of riches, we are equal when it comes to fly fishing. All the money may not bring one to bay! e seem to be equal on desire!. I desire wealth, gave it away, for a swimming foe!

I am richer now, with what i gave and lost! I am rich Pa. Take the car, the house, the dog, the stocks, the bonds. Yes, you broke me in riches but you 4 eyed bastard, you will never break the spirit of Pa. Beautiful, that is me! Seems all my life i have felt the Prick of your pen.

My hooks and feathers gave me more than your prick of judgement!

Judge me for never to judge yourself! I am use to it! I will not give up, I am the Beauty of Pa. Beat the dog, he will be there when you come home! Believe me, in time you will come home!

Great, Well in fact, are we not all that. We did it, maybe well, maybe a hobby, maybe once, how about that! I consider that Great!

In a world of great, by standards of riches, we are equal when it comes to fly fishing. All the money may not bring one to bay! e seem to be equal on desire!. I desire wealth, gave it away, for a swimming foe!

I am richer now, with what i gave and lost! I am rich Pa. Take the car, the house, the dog, the stocks, the bonds. Yes, you broke me in riches but you 4 eyed bastard, you will never break the spirit of Pa. Beautiful, that is me! Seems all my life i have felt the Prick of your pen.

My hooks and feathers gave me more than your prick of judgement!

Judge me for never to judge yourself! I am use to it! I will not give up, I am the Beauty of Pa. Beat the dog, he will be there when you come home! Believe me, in time you will come home!

3 times a charm, with that, you looking for more!

Hymn for the dudes, Mott The Hoople!

Get it, my sisters and brothers, before moved to unseen!

I do not give up easy! Love me or leave me! Does not matter, Seems sadness comes from every direction!


Great fly fisherman. You see it, all the time. You tube, Video! Great for them. Well, what about great for you! If you did not see it, would you fly fish? I think so. To be great, i feel will be lost in a few years.

Great, if you have the big bucks, the simms, the orvis, the winston, the load, the feel , the look! The time, the travel, the reach!

The Greatest Fly fishermen i ever saw, at one time, laughed and said, look at that guy, he does not know how to fish,

You know, you see it! New Guy, on the stream. I tell you now, i dedicate me to help, new guy. I am lucky, leaders, flies, lots.

You know, i can sell a fly and leader for a couple. But if i sell myself for less, i sell myself for life! Blood, if good will remember me for life! I like that better than the 10 for a pack of smokes!


That was true story,tale [eck]
I lived in Bozeman-never took pictures but they were honestly weighed-I kept records for myself-and fished by myself- in 32 years out there I caught 501 four pound or better-
what made this one day [evening] so special was that they were caught in that order-one each time i fished through what I knew from experience was THE Spot-
and secondly the 7 1/2 rainbow and 9 pound brown were my biggest ever of their species--Ijust got lucky.Now the downside-they were lake fish coming up to get frisky- not true stream fish.Out of Canyon ferry-up the river about a mile and a half.At a spot from my was an inside bend.For some reason that was the best spot I ever found from the lake to the dam-disappointed if I didn't catch a wall fish[4up] when I hit it in the fall.
The greatest flyfisher who ever lived (in terms of popularizing the sport) was Brad Pitt who probably does not even fish.
I am certainly not a great FFer. My greatest relative skill is recognizing conditions that will make the fishing better (easier) in one area at a certain time, versus another.

There are a few things I’ve noticed from fishing with other, better FFers than me, that I think are potentially indicators for “great” FFers though.

1. Being able to regularly catch large, wild Brown Trout, during the daytime, in low/clear water and sunny conditions. This is very, very difficult. I’ve caught a handful in this manner, but I attribute it to dumb luck. There are FFers who are quite good at it though.

2. How they land a dry fly on the water. Watch a really good dry fly angler and how delicately and perfectly their fly lands, every time.

3. Being able to catch a persnickety rising Trout during a hatch. After working a fish for a few minutes, and maybe trying one or two different flies and casting positions, I typically just move on and pick a different (easier) fish to cast to. Guys who catch those tough ones impress me.

4. Successful midge fisherman. Period.

5. When Brookie fishing, being able to make the needed cast from a father distance away (to limit spooking fish). I often notice I can get a fly to the same places as some of the really good Brookie guys on this site (kbob or pcray for instance), but I have to be closer to the fish/pool to do it than them.

6. Being adaptable, and recognizing when to adapt and switch techniques. I’m getting better at this, but too often I get stuck in the mindset of “I just feel like fishing dries today” or whatever, as opposed to switching it up to what will actually likely work best in the conditions of that day.

6.5. Actually having the skill sets needed to be adaptable and change techniques. I think there are a lot of really good dry fly anglers out there, a lot of really good nymphers, and a lot of really good streamer guys. But it’s rarer to find someone especially proficient at all of them.
I think it was Joe Humpreys who once said that an expert is anyone with a slideshow over 100 miles from home.
Swattie...Well written and +1.

There are few, if any, things you write that I don't agree with.
You trout fishermen really amaze me with your attn to detail, accuracy and willingness to share. It pulls all of us up when you post your strategies, flies and comments, generally. While I don't fish for trout I have learned the most about fly fishing from the posts right here on this forum.
Anyone who can place a fly where they want it, can mend line, can read water well, and can get the most out of the tools they have (IE-someone who can take one rod, go to a stream and know they're prepared for most the scenarios they're going to face) is, in my mind, a "great fisherman".

I'm not impressed by gear heads who need the newest stuff and who need a different rod for every technique, not impressed by the guys who are up on all the new tricks and new "thing", etc., not impressed by the 'trout pros' and whatnot.

I can think of a few guys on this site who I fished w/ who I consider to be truly great. Bikerfish, Wetfly, Sal all come to mind, and there are others, I'm sure.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
.......I can think of a few guys on this site who I fished w/ who I consider to be truly great. Bikerfish, Wetfly, Sal all come to mind, and there are others, I'm sure.
There are at least 3 Sal’s on this site and all of them like to fish small streams.....hmmm? From what I’ve read on here I think they all fit the bill.
Prospector wrote:
The_Sasquatch wrote:
.......I can think of a few guys on this site who I fished w/ who I consider to be truly great. Bikerfish, Wetfly, Sal all come to mind, and there are others, I'm sure.
There are at least 3 Sal’s on this site and all of them like to fish small streams.....hmmm? From what I’ve read on here I think they all fit the bill.

I've only fished with one-Salvelinusfontinalis-but I happen to know the other two are upstanding guys.

I should add, being a "gear head" doesn't EXCLUDE anyone from being a great fisherman, I'm just drawn to the guys who are less dependent upon their tools and lean more on their instinct. Isn't there some saying that only a crappy carpenter complains about the quality of his hammer? Something like that.
You mean guys with a rod in their hand and another in their back pocket? Cracks me up everytime I see it.
larkmark wrote:
You mean guys with a rod in their hand and another in their back pocket? Cracks me up everytime I see it.

I haven't seen that yet haha! But I try not to see other people when I"m fishing ;-)
Ha ha! I actually saw a guy at Spring creek carrying a fly rod rigged with nymph set up, one with dry fly and a spinning rod in his back pocket. The hilarious part was he fell down the bank and into the creek.Saw another guy over there wading the creek and he had a radio or something blasting country music in his pocket. Unreal.