4 weight rod question

Drop down to 6X tippet and extend the length of the tippet
Maurice wrote:
with a tip flex all you should have to do is lift the rod tip and perhaps strip a bit to set the hook. With 7x I would shorten the lift and the strip to keep the set off the butt.

True above. With a size 20 hook, you don't need much more than to tighten up to set the hook. It's really all about knowing your rod and tippet.

Try tying your tippet to a stationary object and practice setting the hook. Also, when you snag on the bottom, use that opportunity to experiment. Try to break off the snag using rod pressure. If you have a good knot, you will be very surprised how much pressure you can put on your rod without breaking off (even 6x).

mcwillja wrote:
Drop down to 6X tippet and extend the length of the tippet.

I agree with mcwillja. I rarely use 7x and feel it not really necessary to catch fish. Lengthening your tippet will have the same effect as dropping down a tippet size.
I bought an Orvis BBS IV reel to use with a Sage Z-axis 5wt a few years ago. The reel didn't have a really light drag setting compared to some other reels, so I tied a 5X tippet to a post in the backyard, and tried to break the tippet. Using reasonable and some unreasonable force, the rod and reel kept the tippet from breaking. I was so surprised, and went about my merry way. I didn't test the combo with lighter tippet, as that wasn't my light tippet rod. I agree that a probably tied knot goes a LONG way when protecting light tippet.