I went out this morning in between rain showers and mainly did a lot more scouting than fishing. I’m trying to locate some new fish to target. It was a bit tough being overcast because it is much tougher to see carp under these conditions and much easier for them to see me.
I started out by checking out one of my productive spots. I didn’t see a lot of fish but did see a few. I only actually took one shot at a fish during the outing. This fish was in a feeding mode with its head down and tail up in several feet of water. I decided to try a totally different pattern because I thought there was the possibility that I may have already taken a shot at this fish or even maybe caught it earlier this year. I went way outside the box on my selection by selecting Montana’s hybrid fly with the bright pink tail (worm section). This fly has produced well for me over the years but my “go to” color has been the much more subdued tan tail. This local population of carp that I fish for has proven time and time again that they don’t usually cave for the “glitzy” stuff. So, I tried the bright one just to see if I could get a reaction. Well, I did! The carp’s reaction was “I don’t think so”! Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t like the fish blew out of there like I just scared the scales off of it (which can and does happen), it was much more of a polite, “No thank you, if you even thought you had a chance of me eating that thing, you’re kidding yourself”!
Anyway, I did manage to locate a few new fish as I was scouting this morning. It’s important to keep in mind as you are searching for carp that you need to be in total stealth mode. Looking and searching for any subtle disturbances on the surface, maybe a few bubbles coming to the surface, a faint mud cloud or the very tip of the tail of a carp in feeding mode. All of these subtle signs can alert you to the possibility of a carp in the area. Every outing is certainly not a success story but any time you spend out there locating and/or chasing carp with your fly rod will definitely be chalked up as learning experiences. Get out there and give it a shot!
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