2018 North Central PA Summit 10/5-10/7/2018



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
It's that time again to get it on your calendars. The 2018 North Central Summit. Base camp will be my cabin up on Denton Hill.

Predictions for this year:
Swattie will be in, and then out.
Pcray will be a maybe, then a no.

Skybay will get left behind in the woods alone with the bear, and will blame Moosehead, even though it was Night Stalker
Bikerfish will attempt to camp out in the cabin yard again, to tragic effect.

Creeks will either be dry or blown out.

Turkey will be packing heat this year following last year's terrifying encounter with the great PA mountain lion.

Csoult will come because it's not the first week of archery, and after the jam, he realized just how much he missed the Squatch over the past 4 years.

Scotch and speeding tickets will flow freely.


Now who could turn down an adventure like this?
Well played sir.
Could this be the first year for me, yeah, the one who inspired the Jam I've never attended? Andy, best of luck. You are a good man for doing this. No Quill Gordons, but maybe a hatch of some sort.
JackM wrote:
Could this be the first year for me, yeah, the one who inspired the Jam I've never attended? Andy, best of luck. You are a good man for doing this. No Quill Gordons, but maybe a hatch of some sort.

You should come...I have not forgotten the roots of this jam. Your idea, Csoult helping me organize the very first one when I was new to the board and didn't know anyone yet.

I'm not a good man for doing this because it's such a good time! It's no sacrifice on my part at all. You mean I have to give up 4 days of my life to go up to the mountains and hang out w/ my friends? Who WOULDN'T do that?
PS-as far as hatches, we still usually see the White Gloved Howdie and the big orange October Caddis. The trout are willing and feeding heavily, as they're getting themselves plumped up and ready for the baby-making season.
Dave_W wrote:

Now who could turn down an adventure like this?
Well played sir.

Hey! It's these adventures that make something like this really fun and worth the time! I don't remember the fish I caught...but I remember the shenanigans!
I likely won't make it this year, but not impossible.

The fishing was too good last year so it's likely I'll find a way
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say low water will not be an issue for us this year!

Yeah likely not.

Unfortunately :lol:
That's a bad weekend for me. I have a wine festival to work and live music here at the winery or else I'd be there......there is always next year though.
There's not much chit chat about this on PAFF, but on FB the response is solid. So far we got:
Tim Robinson
Father of Squatch
Uncle of Squatch
Friend of Biker
Les Trout

Rick in PA

Beautiful part of the state in a beautiful part of the year, y'all miss out by not coming!

May I join in on the Summit adventure - shenanigans?
Definitely. The only rule we have is "no d-bags". So if that's you, you're welcome!

Heard from Skybay, he's IN!
Linwood is a good guy. He came to my WW Jam last summer and I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with him. Man, I'd really like to make this but I just can't. For next year Sasquatch as soon as you line up the dates let me know and I will do my best to be there.
Thanks Sasquatch. I'm in! As of now, I'll try to be there by dusk on Friday. Sending you a PM.
Sounds good. We're usually back at camp by dusk, if not shortly after (depending on where we go for fishin')
jifigz wrote:
Linwood is a good guy. He came to my WW Jam last summer and I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with him. Man, I'd really like to make this but I just can't. For next year Sasquatch as soon as you line up the dates let me know and I will do my best to be there.

Word. If I had to guess, I'd say the first full weekend in October, but that certainly could change in a year. I'll get dates up shortly after the main Jam. Sorry you can't make it, and thanks for vouching for Linwood! We always love having a newcomer at this thing.
Hey Linwood, I just wanted to check you got my PMs with directions and whatnot.
Turkey sent me this photo of last year's menu. If Skybay finds any more turnips this year, we'll be set for food!



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