2016 North Central PA Summit 9/30-10/2



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
Just putting the dates out there. I know it's a long way off, but that's how I have to roll to make sure we can get the cabin and all that.

Sept. 30 to Oct. 2, 2016.

Hope to see you all on Denton Hill! We'll do a real thread about it closer to the date.
yep, the one event I will NOT miss!!
I'm glad. Wouldn't be the same w/out you! You'll notice I pushed it later this year....I know it's not as perfect as that 10/8-10/10 range...but getting close!
It's on my Calendar.
Can't wait!
Ahh this all makes me very happy.

This year, NO ONE showed up for deer camp. A first in the cabin's almost 65 year history. Yet I could boast that we had over a dozen show up for the Fall "fly fishing camp".
OK, It's on my calendar. Looking forward to another great North Central PA Summit.
Hopefully I can make it this year. Seems I'm on an every other year schedule.
I work that weekend. Unless I sit on some vacation days. I'd like to get back to Potter.
It's so much better in the Fall, Jeff. Better than when we had it in April.
I had such a blast that first April. Made some great friends and learned a lot too. I'm going to make an effort to get there this year. It's funny, it made such an impression on me that I could drive to your camp from memory. Hopefully something will work out with my schedule this fall.
Yeah man you need to come for sure, then. Nothing is better than being there in late Sept./October, that's for sure. Jerry still asks if I've heard from you lately, so he would love if you came back. Coty too, for that matter!
Denton Hill, I will be there.
Can’t skip this one.

pics are from the last summit


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Is that scrapple?! That goes good with morning beer.
And Frog Morton... ;-)

Guys I can't tell you what it means to me to have all of you excited for this year after year. Every year we get such a wonderful group of guys (and a lady last year!). I really do love sharing my camp with you all and it's always an honor to be able to host this event.
Kelly and I will likely be there again this year. We had a blast last year. Hope to see everyone again.
Sasquatch, would there be space for me to bring my small 13 foot camper to sleep in?
Maybe. I never gauged the yard based on those requirements! I'm guessing you could fit it somewhere in one of the side yards w/out too much trouble.