2015 North Central PA Summit Recap

The Oswayo felt nice and cold, but it just didn't seem good. Maybe up higher, where it's much smaller, but that looks like a 1-man trip. I did see 2 trout, but that was it. Everything else was chubs and carp. No one went to the Allegheny. We checked out the headwaters, just driving to the Oswayo, but didn't stop.
Coudersportguy wrote:
Wish I would have drove over the hill to attend now that I'm a resident of Coudersport (Sweden Valley). I know nothing about the fishing up here as of now, it would have been nice to learn some water from this seasoned group. You bet your Salvelinus Fontinalis backside I will drive up with this group next year!

If you're right in Coudy you have one of the best wild trout streams in NC PA within 5 minutes! Now can you guess what it is?
If you watch last year's October Caddis Summit, that stream is identified as "Stream X" ;-)
I just took a drive to get away from the computer for a bit. I have a good guess at what the stream is. BradFromPotter I'm located just west of rt 44 in Sweden Valley so I think I got to see the stream on my drive,and yes BradFromPotter and Sasquatch we will call it stream X
Man, I wish I could have made this. It would've been nice to see you guys again. Next time....
we even had beer left over.
I left it in the fridge up there....there's a work party this weekend. That beer is LONG gone now!
I'm kinda upset I missed this this year. I'll be there next time.

I still think oswayo is > stream x :)
The Oswayo sucked, and if I told you what "stream x" is, you might take that statement back!
I do know what stream x is. I was at that jam remember, in fact I was even the one that suggested people fish it I believe.

Personally speaking having fished oswayo multiple times, the stream is good.