2014 NCPA October Caddis Summit: Oct.3-5th

Just got back from Potter Co this past weekend. A little update on how things are shaping up for the October Caddis Summit in the Cross Fork area. Won't spot burn any of the streams I fished, you'll have to attend the Summit to find out which ones are on the hit list. Ha Ha
The weather over the weekend was absolutely perfect, cool temps in the mornings and evenings and the flows are VERY LOW on the sections I fished. Water temp around 52-54. Fly selection was pretty easy anything that floated high for as long as possible. Used just two flies #14 Yellow Stimulator and #14 Mr Rapidan that's all was needed. Fish very spooky on the pools,but at the head of the pools and riffles and deep runs brookies and browns were very eager to eat your flies. Hatching activity was sporadic slate drake's,tan caddis's,blue winged olive's and seen very few fish rise.
All in all the trip was AWESOME. We landed 5 or 6 browns around the 10" range and a few brookies the same size. Also many fish in the 4" to 6" range. Two of us fished and we rotated fishing each spot. If you landed a fish or missed a fish the next guy took the point and fished till he hooked up or missed then the next guy took over. This worked real well and it allowed you to fish over a new spot every time.
So from my prospective of the weekend we should have a great time for the Summit. Hopefully in the mean time the area will get some rain and bring the water up a little. Also leaves changing quickly and a few dropping in the streams but not making it not to bad. So I'll see you guys on Thursday night Oct 2nd.
Thanks for the scouting work!

Just an update. Sal, Father-Squatch and me won't be arriving til early Thursday morning now. If you are planning on coming up Thursday, I'd say plan on arriving no earlier than 10:00am. That will give us time to get up there, pit-stop at Sandfly's place (if he's open that early...) and get the cabin up and running for everyone. We wanted to come up Wed. night, but my dad isn't too keen on working a 12-14 hour day and then driving 4 hours up to Potter.
I'll be open till Friday noonish, leaving FOR A TRIP THEN. GET IN EARLY IF YA CAN..

Dan was just in buying flies for the weekend already.
We'll be by around 8am on Thursday, I think.
Started to buy food, need to get some SS organic choclate stout and pack. Almost there :)
Just returned from Tioga Cty, rainfall in September for Potter and Tioga was 1 inch, prey for rain! Fishing was good but not great, trout were taking caddis and BWO's # 18 emerges and rusty spinners. There are some white cahills around and trout were taking them occasionly. Also on the menu were black ants.
I fished a bunch of different stream, some I've never fished before. The large streams produced the most fish in part because flows were so low, but also because they had the best hatches, and insect activity. At camp the coldest temp was 36 overnight. Water temperatures on the big streams are still 60 and above, small streams between 50 and 60. Have fun, I can't make again this year.
Cross Fork weather this week shows PM t-storms tomorrow, scattered showers Wed., and scattered t-storms Friday. Not a major rain even by any means, but is better than none!
A heads-up: Kettle Creek Road is closed at Trout Run for a bridge replacement. Trout Run is located approx. 2 miles south of the juncture of Rte. 144 and Kettle Creek Road.

So if your are coming from the west on Rte. 120, do not head north on Kettle Creek Road at Westport. If you are coming through Renovo, turn north on 144 at the Green Lantern Bar to get to the Cross Fork area.

What is confusing to some is the signage; It says Kettle Creek Road is closed at Hammersley Fork. It is actually closed south of Hammersley Fork.

It would have been nice if I could have joined you to fish, but my wife is working this weekend and we won't be there. The upside is the NHRA national event is at Maple Grove this weekend and I'll be there,
My goal for the Summit is to Say Hello to My Little Friend...


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