2014 NCPA October Caddis Summit: Oct.3-5th

The_Sasquatch wrote:
The towns of Galeton and Coudersport are about 20 minutes in each direction. They have grocery stores.

I'd plan on about 10 guys give or take a few. We do need to do a definite roll call.
The Sasquatch
Squatch's Dad
Turkey (? I'm assuming he's still in!)
I talked to wsender last night, he's a strong "maybe", and I sent a few PMs out to others who have expressed interest but haven't pulled the trigger yet.

Hey!! I'm in as well!!! I'll bring some breakfast stuff, eggs, snausage, potatoes, etc. oh yeah, coffee!!
and of course beer :-D
How did I miss you, Biker!?

Okay if you bring potatoes, I'll bring something else then. I'm sure we won't have TOO much food anyway.

Breakfasts are the best meal at the cabin. When you cook your eggs, potatoes, bacon, and sausage all on the same surface, the greases are amazing.
I'll be bring BBQ chicken and macaroni salad. Just a suggestion, I am thinking since we're going to be fishing down around the Cross Fork area mostly. We all might want to bring stuff to have lunch at stream side. We'll be pretty far from camp to just drive back to eat lunch. Just some stuff to make sandwiches,so everyone brings a little bit we'll be all set to spend pretty much of the day in the area.
Yup my dad and I can bring "food for the road".

Dave do you know when Pine will get its Fall stocking? I'm assuming with the summer we had, there will be plenty of hold overs and whatnot still in Pine if we want to fish the big waters too.
PS-Just a reminder, please PM me for coordinates and directions to my cabin!

No fall stocking on the upper Pine DHALO, only down at Slate Run. Kettle and First Fork will be done 10/8. The Allegheny is also no longer done in the Fall.
salvelinus wrote:
No fall stocking on the upper Pine DHALO, only down at Slate Run. Kettle and First Fork will be done 10/8. The Allegheny is also no longer done in the Fall.

I guess no sat nite fish fry!
Back in! Can't wait!
This looks like a great time in a great spot. Denton is cool, plus I haven't seen the Lumber Museum across Rt. 6 since its renovation. I'd like to go next year if it's held again. I've missed two years' worth of PAFF events but I might make the steelhead jam in Nov.
This will be the third year (first two were in the Spring, though, and the water on the smaller streams were too small). If it works out in the Fall this year, I'd say we can plan on it being in the Fall every year, though I may consider late September next year so as to not conflict with Csoult's bow hunting.

I'll be headed back to the Big Woods again this weekend. Works all done on the camp now. I thought it would be a good time to do a recon trip for the October Caddis Summit. I'll be fishing a few of the tribs in the area and I'll give you a report on how some of them are fishing and what the flows look like. Sal, glad you'll be able make the trip again this year. Looks like the list of attendees is shaping up nicely.
Thanks. It will be good to see some of the old and some of the new faces at this years event.
One things likely for sure, the fishing can't possibly be as bad as the last time I went ;)

I'm really excited guys. If not for the fishing, then for for the company, beer and food.
Thanks again to Andy for his hospitality.
Oh its my pleasure. I love hosting this and look forward to it every year.

Got a PM from a newer member, Brutus, who hopes to join us as well.

Anyone hear from Skybay!? I sent him a PM a few weeks ago and haven't heard back yet! I need to make sure he remembers where the cabin is. Don't forget, if you need directions, please PM me for the coordinates.

Roll Call almost 1 week out:
Father-of-Squatch (both arriving late Wed. night)
Turkey (?????)

Still got room for a few more....
I am still planning to arrive late Thursday evening.

Sas, any food assignments or just good high calorie beer...? PM an emergency cellphone number, just in case issues on the way up.
Check this thread. Sounds like food is taken care of, at least the essentials, so bring whatever you want!

I'll PM you a cell phone number, but no promises it'll do any good up there.
So is that the plan? You never let me know if we were in fact leaving wednesday Evening.

What time ya want me at your place?
Yes sorry. It was up to how my wife was feeling w/ the newborn. Everyone's on!
Oh and Dave_S sent me a message. He plans on arriving Friday evening just to hang out, eat our food and drink our beer, then is leaving us to fish the Upper D on Saturday. Wish he was staying the whole weekend!!!!!
Everyone attending so far, check your inboxes. I PMed you my cell phone number. Again, if I forgot the coordinates for anyone to the camp, let me know in a PM. I'm losing track of things a bit.
