2014 NCPA October Caddis Summit: Oct.3-5th

Archery is cancelled this year.
Bring your day-glow orange
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Yes this is open to anyone, unless you're a d-bag. No d-bags allowed!

turkey wrote:
Archery is cancelled this year.
that's not even a little bit funny :lol:
I was looking forward to this, despite the sketchy characters involved ;) It now turns out that the Saturday, October 4, is the big PA FF Museum banquet in Allenberry. The Museum is something I like to support.

Now scratching my head - Allenberry is maybe halfway from West Chester, so are both doable?
Send the checkbook to the banquet and come to the cabin, Les! Pipe smoking encouraged....just sayin!
I'm in, there is something about this cabin and God's country.
Alright one month away!!!

Let's get a general role call, and talk about some food. We should plan on good eats for Friday night, Saturday Breakfast and Supper, and Sunday Breakfast. For those who haven't been before, this is communal. If you bring it and put it in the cabin fridges, its open for all!

Role Call:
The Sasquatch and Father Squatch-and we can bring whatever food, but I can get a ton of potatoes on the cheap for breakfast and supper, and eggs.

PS-If anyone needs directions to the cabin, PM me.

Behold the scenery: God's Country in October.
I saw a mention that glass is recommended. Is this for any particular reason? I'd like to possibly participate in this event, but I don't use a glass rod.
That was just a joke 'cause Turkey, Bikerfish, and I love our glass rods.
Sas, I just came back after spending the summer at our cabin. (I know, it's a tough job...) Streams are in pretty good shape and should remain so if the rains keep coming. My wife and I were hiking in Lyman Run SP on Saturday and I was surprised at the volume of water in the stream. I wished I had brought my gear along. I was out several times in late August and had some fantastic days after the rains brought the streams up a bit. Hopefully you guys will have similar conditions.

Check with Penndot before you go up. Route 144 between Carter Camp to above Germania is closed as of 9/2. They are completely rebuilding the road. I believe they will then do route 44 from Carter Camp to Cherry Springs so if you are headed down to Kettle it may affect your travel plans.

Oh, I'm a 'glass guy too.
Oh good to know. With the Hammersley and Cross Fork both on the agenda, knowing 144 is closed definitely helps. Thanks for the update.

It shoudl be an EXCELLENT Fall.
Oh, good. Think I'm in. I'll PM you later when I get home for the address. I can remember a time when some scribble on a napkin would suffice but somehow I've grown to become very dependent upon the GPS.
Got it dude.

Wetfly, Turkey, Skybay and others, hope you guys are still in even though Coty bailed on us to C&R bow hunt. We gots to plan for some food here, and let me know if you guys need the coordinates to camp.
Yo we need to start talking about menues! Skybay....we're counting on you for some good Polish cookin'
What's the typical eating situation like at this event? Is there a grill or do we do all the cooking indoors? I'll need to know what you guys normally do as I'm not sure how "fancy" or lack-there-of you get with this. I'm a beast with a can opener and a microwave. Haha. I'd be happy to pick up burgers/hot dogs, canned veggies, snacks...whatever.
There's a big flat top stove there (we grabbed it from an old restaurant), so things like burgers and whatnot are GREAT to cook on it. We like to cook a lot of beef on it, chop up potatoes and fry them up, let that grease collaborate together. Good stuff. There is an oven, but its spotty at best. The burners on it work though.
Cool. I think once we get closer to the event and know how many of us there will be we'll have a better idea of how much food we need. Do we know how many are coming so far? Is there some kind of store nearby that we could hit up if need be?
The towns of Galeton and Coudersport are about 20 minutes in each direction. They have grocery stores.

I'd plan on about 10 guys give or take a few. We do need to do a definite roll call.
The Sasquatch
Squatch's Dad
Turkey (? I'm assuming he's still in!)
I talked to wsender last night, he's a strong "maybe", and I sent a few PMs out to others who have expressed interest but haven't pulled the trigger yet.

Yep, I'm a definite.