12" Freestone Wild Brookie Thread

mjkraw wrote:
Here's the only other pic I have of it. Not 100% if it's stocked or native, but knowing where we were fishing...I'm leaning towards native.
Is it from a stocked stream? Is it from a wild trout stream?
Reeder wrote:
3rd and 4th one are the same fish.

You caught me! I went through my pics of brookies for 2015 and that's what I came up with. At first I didn't agree but after looking at it 3 times I concede. I am impressed that you're looking that close, it definitely fooled me.
I wasn't looking that close at first, but the identical anal fin jumped right out at me, and that prompted me to take a closer look. I wasn't trying to get you, just thought you may have caught the same fish twice. It happens.
I know I was just joking around. I went back and tried to find the time stamps to see if they were caught the same day. Unfortunately I uploaded a bunch if pictures to photobucket on November 20th and that's the only time stamp I can find. I will keep looking through my photos on my phone but I'm guessing it was the same day. You have a good eye, like I said it fooled me.
My biggest freestone brookies from last season. Fish #2 may have spent time in a reservoir but was caught in a small freestone stream. Fish #3 was caught in Penns but I imagine it came from a freestone trib. Although the light color makes me think it’s been in the river a while.

Each fish was caught in a different stream. None were measured, not sure if any made the 12” mark but I’ll be happy if 2016 brings the same results.




Wow, there's some nice Brookies here! I'll have to dig up some pictures later today, did pretty good last year and got a few 10-13" fish plus a monster 15". All north-central PA.
trouttracker, great pictures. The belly on that second fish is awesome.
Thanks, I've enjoyed seeing everyone else's pictures so figured I should post a few too

Tracker, love that 2nd fish!
Nice looking fish TroutTracker, especially the first 2. The blue halos really pop out on that first one.
Gorgeous fish
TT I didn't realize they were all one season - nice dude. The first 2 will be tough to beat.
This one measured out to 13" on Father's Day 2014.


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wildtrout2 wrote:
With all due respect, I don't think that's a 13" trout. ^
If it isn't it's very close. It's as long as his hand plus 4 to 5 inches.
If that is the same trout I've seen pics of it is about 13. However that stream is certainly part limestone and disqualifies for this thread. Unless I'm mistaken.

On a note I've also caught 12-13" brookies from that stream.
Mic has been dropped and WT2 walked off the stage Sir