Fishing fashion

I own quite an assortment of simms outerwear. I have purchased most of it on sale foe 1/2 price and for that price the fit, function and performance have been tops. Simms insulated shirts
( purchased on sale for more than 1/2 off)are far superior to the wrangler shirts from walmart.
Same.....I look for those blowout sales when they must be discontinuing colors or a particular garment.
Got some nice jackets, puffy stuff etc. Hard to beat some of the things I've picked up for the prices I paid 👍
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That’s all I wear but I don’t pay that much. You can get them on sale for 35 bucks year round. I just checked and LL Bean has one on sale as I write this.I don’t find them “fancy” at all and would not wear them to a “fancy” shirt wearing event. I call them super functional for fishing and a way better choice than an old tee shirt. Quick drying, breathable, ventilated, two pockets, and skin covering comfort beats an old ratty one pocket tee shirt every day of the week. I like a collar since I generally only have a lanyard and a couple fly boxes in my pockets. The collar keeps the lanyard from bothering the crap out of my neck. I have them in long and short sleeve depending on time of year and other factors. You should try one before just thinking they are fancy for fancy shirt wearing people.
Dear poopdeck,

I'm with you. I have a couple of Columbia quick-dry nylon fishing shirts and convertible pants that I bought over the years starting probably 25 or 30 years ago when they first became available. I think I have about $ 150.00 in 3 shirts and 3 pairs of pants. When you are a 4XL extra fat dude it's not hard to spend that on 2 t-shirts and sweatpants that fit. 😉

I have bought a couple of the lightweight sun-block shirts and hoodies from Columbia when they go on sale around the Holidays. They are great in the summer and with coupons combined with shopping sales at $ 25.00 each they are a bargain.

I mean seriously, a good, printed t-shirt in my size is easily $ 30.00 plus shipping, for just one!


Tim Murphy 🙂
Same.....I look for those blowout sales when they must be discontinuing colors or a particular garment.
Got some nice jackets, puffy stuff etc. Hard to beat some of the things I've picked up for the prices I paid 👍
Dear MJMFlyfisher,

I really miss the bargain cave and the closeouts at Cabela's before they sold out to Hong Kong Pro Shops.

I bought a lot of clothes and things in Hamburg for a fraction of their original cost that I'm still using! Cabela's branded stuff was great quality!


Tim Murphy 🙂
The only expensive thing I buy for fishing is boots. I spend about $300 on a good pair as I am in them over 60 days a year. My most expensive rod doesn’t even cost that much. My waders have holes in them and I ditch them in late April and wet wade in the same pair of hiking pants I have had for the last 5 years. I use a $20 cortland net from walls mart.

Me too. I’ll bargain shop nearly all other gear, but I’ll gladly spend for good boots. (I’m a Korkers, with traditional laces, and the mild studded sole guy.) Most important piece of gear you can buy IMO. If you gave me $500 to build a kit with to fish, I’d buy the boots I want first, and worry about the rest after that.

My actual fishing clothing is name brand stuff, but bought at/on discount/closeout outfits. It’s gonna get used, hard, and I’m not wearing it to work or church. Might as well take some of the depreciation loss off.
I like the quick drying UV protection shirts as well, and the zippered front pockets are where my keys and phone go. I got away from fishing with ball caps and now prefer a wide brimmed hat to keep my ears and neck from burning. Mine even has a built in hanky that can be extended for complete neck concealment.
Like has been stated by others, I look for the sales or discontinued colors to stay within my budget. Used to wear those same shirts and hats for field work before I retired. They held up pretty well, and were great on those hazy sun-high humidity days where you start sweating before 9 AM.
I like the quick drying UV protection shirts as well, and the zippered front pockets are where my keys and phone go. I got away from fishing with ball caps and now prefer a wide brimmed hat to keep my ears and neck from burning.

Anyone know of and/or remember the late Art Lee?

Art was a big influence on me and those of us who fished in the Catskills and in the Catskill style...

Anyway, one of Art's trademarks was wearing a red bandanna around his neck. As a nod to Art, I've been wearing a red bandana around my neck when fishing almost from the very beginning of my fly fishing days right after high school.

It has kept the sun off my neck for decades. 😉

The only difference between then and now is today the bandanna is an Insect Shield Bug Repellent Bandana but it is still red.

RIP Art!!
I think the Max I paid for a Patagonia/ Simms fishing shirt was Abt $40 on sale, few years ago.

No F'ing way I would pay full price for any company's fishing shirts in present time.

No question, they r impressively " Fashion Forward"

The additional, important benefit is the synthetic blends they r made from.
Those blends DO DEF " wick dry" quite well, enhancing comfort.

BUT....I ain't payin' $100 just to wear my fishin shirt to the Pub when I am off the water

Regardless of formidable competition, companies like ORVIS ( and others , I am sure) routinely make subtle , but obvious changes to minimize THEIR cost.

About 3-4 years ago I bought 2 of their PRO LINE INSULATED VESTS, that I loved 100%.

On recent walk thru of ORVIS to buy tippet, I browsed that " same," vest on floor display.

They had done away with the zippered, interior chest pocket.....AND put a REALLY, REALLY, CHEAP GRASS (another word for buttocks) zipper on the front chest zipper pocket.

That said,
sounds to me like your Pocket T , and Flannel Shirt combo on those chilly days make for a smart, practical winning fishing ( and Pub) outfit.🍻
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I'm curious how many folks wear one of those fancy, usually expensive, long sleeve collared fishing shirts? I've seen them sell for as much as $98 at Orvis and L.L. Bean. I just can't see wearing something that nice on a stream where I don't see another fisherman all day. I wouldn't wear one even if I expected to see other fishermen. A t-shirt ($10), with a pocket for my smokes has always gotten the job done for me. Is how you look while fishing important to you? Obviously, there's no right answer.
20+ yrs ago, when I moved back to my home area in NW PA, one of my cousins commented on my wear before I went wade fishing for smallmouth in either the river or Oil Creek. He said "You dress better to go fishing than most people do to...." and I forget what the end of the analogy was. But yes. About always. And why? Because I want what they do. I want the ventilation and adaptability of those shirts. It's why I don't like the sun hoodie. It is what it is, no changes beside taking the hood down, which is the whole point. I use the pockets. I want the collar to cover my neck. My wading pants are made to drain and dry quickly; to be light yet give my legs some protection. I use muted colors because a white T-shirt scares fish more. Cotton sux around water.
AND: i wear it for the reasons that people have worn whatever since whenever. I want to feel appropriate for the task, to fit the uniform to the task. It's why I dress well for work. It's why, if you're looking for a teacher with tie at my high school, you'll come to room 202. I find it appropriate to the task, and not to show off a lable to anyone who wouldn't be able to see it anyway.
This thread is awesome. No one has admitted to being the 'fashion fishing guy' yet. Which means they are still out there in the wild doing their thing, undisturbed for the rest of us to observe, haha
I am not sure that I buy the excuse that people got their haute fashion cheaply.
I have to come clean here.....I wear a Barbor hat while fishing, it wasn't cheap. And I have a Patagonia fishing vest. Orvis waders and boots.

But hell will freeze over before I wear an 80 dollar shirt 🤣
An $80 shirt? What you need is a Barbour Moleskin shirt to go with that Barbour hat. It’s $185. The Filson Moleskin shirt is $195.

I have a Filson Moleskin shirt that’s been hanging in my closet for 30 years. I can’t remember when I last wore it. Since hell will freeze over before you’d wear an $80 shirt, could I interest you in my used one for $75? 😀
I have some functional sun shirts only because I could burn standing in front of the light inside my refrigerator.

I am so buying this shirt though if for no other reason then to taunt my buddies while we are fishing some dainty hatch to wild fish somewhere. 😂

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That’s all I wear but I don’t pay that much. You can get them on sale for 35 bucks year round. I just checked and LL Bean has one on sale as I write this.I don’t find them “fancy” at all and would not wear them to a “fancy” shirt wearing event. I call them super functional for fishing and a way better choice than an old tee shirt. Quick drying, breathable, ventilated, two pockets, and skin covering comfort beats an old ratty one pocket tee shirt every day of the week. I like a collar since I generally only have a lanyard and a couple fly boxes in my pockets. The collar keeps the lanyard from bothering the crap out of my neck. I have them in long and short sleeve depending on time of year and other factors. You should try one before just thinking they are fancy for fancy shirt wearing people.
Exactly. They are very functional, and you can find them for reasonable prices.

The main feature of these shirts is two large pockets that can be closed securely to keep all your "stuff" from falling out.
Sometimes there are compromises on color to get the "sale" price...

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It seems the focus has been on shirts but I also wear 511 cargo pants because I like pockets over vests, chest packs, back packs, and most everything out there. They are kind of pricey but I think cargo pocket pants are out of current fashion standards. Hats, I never wore a hat because I hate the feel of a hat but I had to start wearing hats for sun protection. I have found that the expensive hats are a complete joy to wear so my hat of choice is a Tilley airflow at about 80 bucks each. Again not fashionable by any standards but they come in fitted sizes, they are comfy and they have wide brims for sun protection. For more then 50 years I fished with less functional clothing but since my kids are out of the house and everything in my life, including my retirement, is bought and paid for, I think I can spend 40 bucks on a shirt and 80 on a hat for no other reason then my comfort. I still ain’t spending more than 250 on a rod though.
Yes my daughters have told me numerous times that cargo pants are out of style and that my other shorts and swimsuits are never the right length!