I think the Max I paid for a Patagonia/ Simms fishing shirt was Abt $40 on sale, few years ago.
No F'ing way I would pay full price for any company's fishing shirts in present time.
No question, they r impressively " Fashion Forward"
The additional, important benefit is the synthetic blends they r made from.
Those blends DO DEF " wick dry" quite well, enhancing comfort.
BUT....I ain't payin' $100 just to wear my fishin shirt to the Pub when I am off the water
Regardless of formidable competition, companies like ORVIS ( and others , I am sure) routinely make subtle , but obvious changes to minimize THEIR cost.
About 3-4 years ago I bought 2 of their PRO LINE INSULATED VESTS, that I loved 100%.
On recent walk thru of ORVIS to buy tippet, I browsed that " same," vest on floor display.
They had done away with the zippered, interior chest pocket.....AND put a REALLY, REALLY, CHEAP GRASS (another word for buttocks) zipper on the front chest zipper pocket.
That said,
sounds to me like your Pocket T , and Flannel Shirt combo on those chilly days make for a smart, practical winning fishing ( and Pub) outfit.🍻