Favorite sulphur emerger and dry patterns

Roofin' Trouter

Active member
Dec 28, 2022
Wilcox, Pa
I learned dry fly basics about 30 years ago. The " Lady Beaverkill" pattern was what I was taught to match the sulphurs. And if that didn't work then try a Light Cahill. I found the West Branch Sulphur pattern and had success with that last year on a few cricks. But ,after getting good advice from "youse guys" with favorite Caddis patterns, I figured input from other PA fly fishers will help.
What are your favorite patterns for fishing " the sulphur"?
The last few years I have had great success with a simple parachute pattern. I tie it with coastal/texas deer hair for the post. This is really durable and looks great on the water. When you are fishing sulfurs, a fly that can take some abuse and still float is key. To me anything with CDC is a poor choice for dries for the sulfur hatch. Changing flies in the dark sucks. A fly that can be washed off, treated and shaken out is the best. This basic tie has become my go-to pattern with all mayflies, not just sulfurs.
If that's poly yarn standing up like that, I'm buying the wrong poly yarn..
Standing up? Looks like it's laid flat out on each side exactly like poly yarn does on my spinners......it just doesn't  look like poly yarn.

Maybe I'm wrong..
Standing up? Looks like it's laid flat out on each side exactly like poly yarn does on my spinners......it just doesn't  look like poly yarn.

Maybe I'm wrong..
It looks like Hareline Sparkle Emerger Yarn (Antron) to me. It could be EP Trigger too. Either way, nice ties.
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What are your wings on those spinners? They aren't poly yarn are they......

I like em. Nice ties Fish Sticks.
Is that EP Fiber wing material?
Thank you for all the suggestions.
Thanks! Those are frosty fish fibers by DNA. They bend when you cast so your 5x doesn’t have to deal with the wind resistance and fall in a pile(when you don’t want it to, often I do)

Henry Ramsay told me about em he uses them in his commercial stuff