Favorite sulphur emerger and dry patterns

My Sulphurs are the same thorax, parachute or spinner patterns I tie for my Hendricksons, BWO, Slate Drakes, Blue Quills, etc., only a different size & color as I really don't tie specific fly patterns for specific insects.

All use Microfibbets for tails, Superfine dubbing, poly wings and 100 Pack hackle on the parachutes & thorax flies.

My emerger is also a generic pattern or two I created with some crinkled poly for a shuck, Superfine body, D-rib ribbing and a snowshoe rabbit wing.
Love this thread, great patterns guys. I worked on some fresh ones this weekend for my upcoming trip.

Sparkle Dun
Sulphur sparkle dun.jpg

Last Chance Cripple
Sulphur last chance cripple.jpg

Breadline Emerger w/EP Fiber wing

Breadline Emerger.jpg

Spinner w/Glow in the Dark wingcase (TC Trout/Trout and Feather) pattern

Suplur spinner.jpg

Soft Hackle

Suplphur soft hackle.jpg
Love this thread, great patterns guys. I worked on some fresh ones this weekend for my upcoming trip.

Sparkle Dun
Other flies may be sexier or more legendary but the first time I saw water boil, the hatch-match was size 14 Light Cahills on the Little Pine right at dusk. We landed or lost countless fish on dries - even after dark. Standing almost shoulder-to-shoulder, we would short-line cast and blind-set after a three-count. We only stopped when we broke off and couldn't see to tie on another fly. That was probably 10 years ago, and my boys still talk about it.
Looks like it could be glow in the dark flashabou. I tied a bunch of rusty spinners with that stuff as a post. I worked OK for me but in the end I was too lazy to charge it up with my headlamp as needed. Plus turning on the light, even if I tried to not look at it, killed my night vision.
Here's a very simple tie that works very well. I'm not sure of the correct name, but I call it a hackle comparadun.

Tail: dun fibers body: yellow

Wing: Wrap dun hackle just as you would for a standard Catskill type dry fly. Wrap it fairly heavy. Cut a V on the underside, so that it sets flat on the water.

The hackle is the wing.

You can tie other mayflies in the same style, just changing sizes and colors.
I tied up a few of the breadline emergers last night. Nice, simple tie. This morning Im working on comparadun. After the first few, the deer hair wing seems to be getting easier.I am tying them with different shades of antron, dubbing,some bleached some natural hair, and some with micro fibbet tailing. Seeing as it sits low on the water, I might try to work krystal flash in to a few. I'm tying them in 14's and 16's but think I may tie some RS2 emerger pattern in sulphur colors for size 18.
Where do you get glow in the dark wing case?
I got this on Amazon, I think color is UV glow but check out TC Trout's Sulphur Spinner video in link below, they give the product #.

To disco's point, I have yet to try this. They say in the video to charge with your UV light. I will probably forget to bring that with me on my trip!
Glow Flashabou.jpg
Yeah the charging is a drag. But it’s really cool when it’s working. I like it a lot on mouse patterns too. One more sulphur/Cahill fav. Standard Catskills style with fancy wings. Seems to work better on cahills than sulphurs for me tho
I have a similar glow in dark flashabou actually its white but I will have to check out that product. I use on mice sometimes, and night time dries liek during hex/white fly imitations
Thanks! Those are frosty fish fibers by DNA. They bend when you cast so your 5x doesn’t have to deal with the wind resistance and fall in a pile(when you don’t want it to, often I do)

Henry Ramsay told me about em he uses them in his commercial stuff
@Fish Sticks , looks like the DNA Frosty Fish Fibers are no longer manufactured and not available. Anyone have thoughts on a substitute? I do like the look of that spinner wing...