Youth fishing day

Slinger how do I upload pictures on here I have a video and a couple pics
There is a sticky at the top of the forum page index on how to add pics. And a test thread in the Site and Forum Comments forum if you are unsure you can try there first. Its not complicated but can be a bit tricky for some at first.
Do you mentor older guys on normal days?
Great job.
Sounds like you had a great day on the water. Nice job!

I just got my 9 year old daughter her first fly setup and am taking her out the 11th. I'm hoping she can catch just one or two!
Good job man
One word to the wise not so much about fly fishing but fly fisherman...they can always find something wrong with whatever you're doing
Take the good with the good and don't let the bad bother you
It's true Phil...and I think this is a great reminder of the wide demographic we have on this board. We can't forget that our sport is indeed multi-generational.
For those mentoring youth, take them bluegill fishing when the weather warms up.

The kids can sit on the bank in shorts and T-shirts and be comfortable, rather than shivering.

And have lots of strikes watching that big red-and-white bobber.

The PFBC should promote panfishing for kids in some way. It's a better way to get kids into fishing than trout fishing, IMHO.
brookieaddict wrote:
Nice job a pro in the making. just don't let girls ,wiskey,and fast cars dilute your fishing powers.

Where were you 10 years ago when I needed told this?! :)
E you caught more fish in one day than I ever did. Hope it treats you that well until you pass it on.
troutbert wrote:
For those mentoring youth, take them bluegill fishing when the weather warms up.

The kids can sit on the bank in shorts and T-shirts and be comfortable, rather than shivering.

And have lots of strikes watching that big red-and-white bobber.

The PFBC should promote panfishing for kids in some way. It's a better way to get kids into fishing than trout fishing, IMHO.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. I am lucky to have a friend who has a farm pond and this is without a doubt the best way to teach a kid about fishing. Start them with bobbers and bait and then move on to bluegills and bass on big dry flies like crickets. Even better, teach them to tie a fly and then go help them catch a bluegill on it. Don't push them into fly fishing until they show a desire for it.

I still get excited like a little kid when I see a bluegill slowly rising up to slurp in my fly on top!

If you have a farm pond, invite kids in the community to fish it; this could have a really positive effect on the next generation. Growing up in Deep Southern NJ, we did not have too many trout around, but me an my best friend would ride our bikes to several local farm ponds to catch bass and bluegills. I was in college at Virginia Tech before I ever fished for trout or fished moving water; alas, that was 22 years ago :)

Time passes quickly; just get out there and fish with your kids. If you're lucky it is one of those rare things that you can do together for the rest of your lives.
Ohh, and congratulations to you Flymaster99! You had an awesome day. As I stated in another post, I took my three kids out for about an hour first thing in the morning. It was cold! Adam, age 12, caught three on worms. My twin daughters did not catch any, but kept running back to the car to get warm and for snacks! I tried to get a fish on for the girls, but failed.

Unfortunately, we had some other commitments in the afternoon because based on your post it seems like the fish woke up a little bit later in the day.

Were you fishing Clark's Creek?

We were on the West Branch of the Octorara. Adam and I were not able to help stock it this year, but he and I really enjoyed the experience when we helped Jim to float stock the FFO stretch two years ago on my birthday.

I have avoided opening day madness for the last 15 years, but this opportunity was different and the promise of less crowds enticed me to participate.
Luke wrote:
Growing up in Deep Southern NJ, we did not have too many trout around, but me an my best friend would ride our bikes to several local farm ponds to catch bass and bluegills. I was in college at Virginia Tech before I ever fished for trout or fished moving water; alas, that was 22 years ago :)

That’s how I got started fly fishing, except I grew up in WPA, went to PSU and it was nearly 50 years ago.

It was kind of funny. Since I already knew how to use a fly rod, people thought I was a trout fishing expert. I didn’t have a clue. I had a jar of salmon eggs! :-o
I did stock clarks creek this year, but I fished the wiconisco and rattling creek, I plan on going to clarks later this year, great to hear that you got out I hope your kids had fun and enjoyed the experience. Sadly like you said it was extremely cold for kids and I know my hands were freezing. Hopefully it will be warming for next years youth day.
Ok, I think I figured out how to post pictures, so here it goes!
For some reason I am having trouble, my iPhone says it cannot run script, that Safari is being used incorrectly


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Here are some photos, I'm going to post a picture of a fish that is in clarks also!


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Last picture, my dad had to stop taking pics, I ran out of memory on my phone :-( :-(


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