Youth fishing day



Feb 12, 2014
Today was the youth fishing day in Pennsylvania. After not being able to get any hits in the morning we went back to the house. Then trying another stream later in the day I caught 55 in 2 hrs. and 15 min. White woolly bugger was working its magic. How did you do if you got out today?
Please note: it was only in the 18 counties in SE and SC Pa on Sat, 3/28. The Mentored Youth Day for the rest of the state will be on Sat, April 11.
Yes, that is true and I'm looking forward to hearing how others did!
FlyMaster99 were you the adult or the youth? You say "I caught 55" and make no mention of either your child or adult as the case may be. Or is this just a brag thread?
Had me wondering too.
Looks like he got a few bites on here
Probably a good idea to cut the young man a break.

Congratulations on a great day on the water, '99!
Have a feeling of who he is, if it is who I think, then his Uncle is a respected member of this forum. Don't think 99 was trying to brag. Good on you young man.
Are you insinuating Krayfish is respected? Lol
Wasn't trying to out the young man or Uncle K2, but since you did. I know I respect K2 for my limited time spent with him, either that or I drink too much sometime, or both. Plus he introduced everyone to the real live Spicoli due to K2 being righteous.
K2 is one of the best, most helpful posters on this board so if FlyMaster99 is his nephew it's all good.
I'll retract my doubts, if he is know on here.....
Ha! I was just messing with him.
FM99 if you're rocking those kinds of numbers, even on fresh stockies, you should be mentoring someone else next year!
Sorry about the confusion on here, had a great day! I was the youth and next year will me mentoring, my dad took me out. This was not for bragging, just saying how I did and wanted to know how others did. I don't have many other people to fly fish with around where I live so I get on here to talk to other fisherman. I thought this would be a decent thread for the people that went out on this youth day to talk about how they did. Sorry if I offended people(THAT WASNT THE INTENT). I still would like people to post how they do the first day on this thread, I love to hear how others did.
Hey buddy glad to hear you did well!
Nice job a pro in the making. just don't let girls ,wiskey,and fast cars dilute your fishing powers.
nice job young man.. how about some pictures?