Your tying layout



Jan 13, 2009
So after seeing and contributing to the "lighting" and "chair" threads and with my back needing a break from tying christmas flies, and while bioling eggs for a much anticipated egg salad sandwich I decided why not just take a picture of my fly tying layout and post it. And seeing as it didn'r entirely conform to either lighting or chairs I created a new thread. Feel free to post pics of your tying area. I'm sure someone will find them interesing


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here's mine


Nice guys.

Mine is a dining room table chair.
Nice set ups , i always thought it was important to be able to let everything set up , have a space , i like the two lamps , took me awhile to figure that one out. Mine is a 12'x3' peice of lu-ann white. And it looks like a duck exploded.
here is mine:


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Mine is an epic pile of hundreds of dollars worth of tying materials. I have no idea where I got the money, and I have no idea why I bought half of it. I can usually find whatever I need within 5 minutes. When tying specific patterns, I find all of the materials and set them aside.

I love my pile.
Taken today, workin hard:


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Sandfly you don't count for this thread . Nice pics though
Yea sandfly looks like he falls under the heading of "professional"
Nice setups guys. Fredrick, love the plastic organizer to the right, that seems nice as well as having the bookshelf right there for reference.
mine's a pile as well....i've counted 7 different brands of empty beer cans/bottles on/around it.

I have an old beer box of thread, hooks, beads, etc and one overflowing with synthetics and naturals. Works pretty well since most the common materials I use are on top. Not so well when I'm looking for, say, red flash at the bottom for a streamer.
here`s my mess, i`ve been in a tying slump lately, just haven`t been tying as much as i would like
ok that didn`t
beadhead; male preagnacy? Looks like about 8 mo.
That doesn't count, it looks like your calling in an order in for 100 dozen or so....


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I lost that for some reason Beadyheaded2,now Callin my bookie in even if I didn't have the shop it would look somewhat the same. 99% of it is mine not the shops. Gee a professional, and here I thought I was just one of the guys...and Lou you got some nerve you LITTLE

Lou M at his best..


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It rarely looks this clean. you tie standing up? or is that just to call the bookie?