Your flyfishing skill level

I was jokingly referring to what happened to Ernest Schwiebert.
At the time he was the most respected Trout fisherman and author on the subject in the world.Known for the huge number of trout he routinely caught every time he was on the water.Kept a record of the numbers.
One time he was fishing private waters in the East.Henryville I believe.He was given a prime stretch to fish.Another fisherman decided to watch the champ in action.Not wanting to disturb him he hid back in the Laurels.
Schweibert tried his best for several hours but was skunked.Later at the hotel the fellow watching checked the log-were it asked how many fish caught- Schweibert wrote 50.
End of
From the decriptions given, journeyman was the most accurate. Oh well, someday I'll be up there with Schweibert. Who according to a good friend of mine was, in fact an excellent flyfisherman that easily caught more than most as they were good friends. My friend also let me know that sometimes when the flyfishing became his primary income, large trout would be placed in Ernies hands at a particular stream and the caption would read something like:
"Ernie Schweibert with a huge Joeshmoe creek brownie."

Although it was misleading and he never actually caught it, it wasn't a lie. Still a better man than some pompous, self-rightous schmuck chasing coochie around the campus and actually GROWING the most famous fish he ever caught.
I refuse to answer this question because fly fishing is one of the few things I can afford not to be competative about. Also, how good a fisherman I am on a particular day has more to do with the fish than with me, and I like that lack of responsibility I get when fishing.
OhioOutdoorsman wrote:
I refuse to answer this question because fly fishing is one of the few things I can afford not to be competative about. Also, how good a fisherman I am on a particular day has more to do with the fish than with me, and I like that lack of responsibility I get when fishing.

Dear Ohio,

You are lying and you aren't very good at it. :-D

You are competitive on every thread on this board that you participate in. You are always polite and respectful but you always seem to have a point you want to get across and I've never seen you spare any expense in trying to make that point. Based on that observation I sincerely doubt that your competitive nature just vanishes when you step into a creek.

I'm not trying to call you out and start a fight, I'm just sort of playing.

I'll agree with you when you say that sometimes the fish make you look good though, I know they do that for me! :-D

Dear afishinado,

I think we were saying the same thing in different ways. All of us make fly fishing into what we want it to be and none of us are wrong in how or what we make it out to be.

We can all play the game however we want to play it as long as we play by the "legal" rules. That's part of what I like about fishing in particular, and fly fishing specifically.

Tim Murphy :)
You are competitive on every thread on this board that you participate in. You are always polite and respectful but you always seem to have a point you want to get across and I've never seen you spare any expense in trying to make that point. Based on that observation I sincerely doubt that your competitive nature just vanishes when you step into a creek.

True. Well, I get "competative" when discussing conservation, access issues, and arguing in general. I'm a zeolot on some of these issues and I'm sure it comes out on forums. Especially on this forum because it has an extremely high tolerance for respectful argument, and well, people like to "discuss" things here and do it very well. Very little happy go-lucky talk here and consequently I appear to be very type A here compared to other forums.

But when I fish I get "competative" about relaxing.....I pretty much just dry fly fish nowadays and fish with slower action rods that force me to slow down. I seek out solitude and wild places, even if I don't catch big fish. And seriously, I don't get upset at not catching fish anymore like I used. With flyfishing I'm able to enjoy the process and not the outcome. Therefore, I refuse to rank myself and become outcome focused with fishing, even if its just an illusion in my own mind.

As cranked up as I've gotten on this forum, I have never gone on a rant on how I outfished other people or posted how I caught 50 fish or a series of pictures of fish. Yes, I have caught plenty of fish and taken pictures, but I mostly keep them for myself. Why does EVERYTHING have to be a competition.

Seriously though, if we met on the river, I'd bet you'd think I'm only half of the blowhard that I appear to be on these forums. Wait, betting, thats competative......darn it. :-o :-? :-D