Yellow perch on the fly



Active member
Oct 24, 2012
one of my favourite fish - enjoy :

Close, but not yellow perch. That is a European variety that is very similiar but they seem to get bigger than what we have. It could have something to do with the brackish water environments they often exist in. Cool stuff though.


That is a European variety that is very similiar but they seem to get bigger than what we have

I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that they are sea-run fish returning to the shallows to spawn.
they catch them on UK rivers over 5lbs - i think its more that they are voracious predators, and in UK warmwater their only competitor is Pike, whereas in the US they have competition from pike, musky, LMB, SMB, white perch, etc etc.

plus people eat them in the US and not Europe.

i'd like to see how big they could get in a pond or tank.

The only place i've read where they run to the sea is in the crook of Denmark & Sweden where the sea is hundreds from the open ocean and the salinity is like 10%. In the same area there's great pike fly fishing.
i think its more that they are voracious predators, and in UK warmwater their only competitor is Pike, whereas in the US they have competition from pike, musky, LMB, SMB, white perch, etc etc.

Sounds very plausible...

plus people eat them in the US and not Europe.

They don't know what they're missing then... perch is very tasty!
That's some big panfish.
Yeah my biggest is only 2.5lbs but it wrenched the spinning rod right over - they strike on the run like pikes.

They also live in fast flowing rivers too. Many trout clubs will let you fish em out in the closed season to protect the trout n grayling and those fish are supposed to be delicious but sadly most UK rivers were way too polluted or full of clay.

That has all the possibilities of a European fish fry. :)