WW Jam Aug 17-19 (Juniata River)

Man, I sure hope the river is fishable during this time frame :-? I haven't been able to get out much this summer due to these crappy weather patterns!
Since I am pretty far upriver the water levels drop pretty quickly. It just can't keep this crap up. If nothing else we can at least enjoy some company of forum members and hit some mountain freestone streams. This rain and cloudy weathy should have them staying reasonably cool.
I may be able to make it this year.
We may be in luck! I just checked the extended forecast from AccuWeather and after this rainy and soggy weekend we should be in for almost 2 weeks of drier weather. The Juniata is still up and raging here in a bad way but if we go for 12 days without a ton of rainfall the river should drop and clear a lot in that time. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Positive news about a break in the rain letting up allowing the Juniata to drop in water level.
So we are really lucking out folks. The Juniata continues to steadily drop and is starting to look amazing. By next Friday, without any serious storms, the river will almost be totally down to summer levels. I will advise anyone who is coming for the weekend to bring some sort of bug repellent. The skeeters have been down right nasty.

If people would confirm that they are coming that would help me to plan how big of a tent/tents to setup that we can use as a community type lounging area. I also have quite a few chairs but I also encourage people to bring a chair to guarantee we can all have a seat. See some of you in a week!
I'm at about 85% right now, I will have a definite answer by Wednesday. Thanks again for hosting.
I’ll be there Friday morning
I plan to arrive Friday evening and depart Saturday afternoon.
I will be there Friday evening.
Hey Josh,
If you can keep a handle on the river and the weather, I expect to be there Friday afternoon thru Saturday night. Thanks in advance.
how's the weather ?
Currently raining. talking to people upstream though they didn't get it much. We We will see. What a bad year. It isn't raining much. I think I have one more bad band supposed to push through. I'll see what it looks like later tomorrow or early Wednesday.
White Water Jam . No shame in moving this to a lake BTW
Well I don't plan on moving the location of anything but there are certainly lakes around. Too bad every lake is a half hour drive at least and the Juniata is a 30 second walk.

The Juniata will most definitely not be fishable for the jam. It was starting to look good and I thought we were in for more dry weather but apparently I was wrong. Smaller warm water streams like the Aughwick and Tuscarora may be fishable, there is plenty of trout water around that may accommodate some anglers, and, as Frederick pointed out, lakes. The closest lake is Raystown but Colyer, Faylor, Walker, and Poe Paddy are all within a relatively short drive. This year sucks and we've been dealt a bad hand.
Never fish this part of Juniata, got to go.


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With the conditions like they are I am going to save the cost of the kennel, so I won't make it. Was looking forward to this damn mother nature.
I can’t make it but I feel for you Guys ,I have ran a few saltwater jams and have dealt with bad weather and lack of fish-on the beaches but I always got there two days earlier to find the fish for everyone this is obviously a different animal though . With the amount of rain we got lately you are very limited in your fishing if you don’t have a water craft still water can be a pain from shore .
I'm bailing on this weekend.

Should be some good fishing opportunities in creeks or trout streams for those still planning on this.
Yeah the river looks like pure hell. I don't advise anyone to showup and expect to fish the Juniata. Trout streams around may be good and smaller warmwater streams may be good. Anyone coming for sure needs to let me know..I'll be gone and fishing a lot so if you're coming I'd like to personally get in touch and let you know where to camp, when I'll be back, etc. Just trying to get this horrendous weekend in order.