WW Jam Aug 17-19 (Juniata River)



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
I plan on hosting another WW Jam this year at my property on August 17-19. This year I will have plenty of time to join in on the action of kayak floats and getting more fishing in. I'd love to see as many of the same people that attended last year as possible and hopefully some new faces too. We can work out the details through this thread. There are hotels anywhere from a 10-20 minute drive from here as well as one that is currently being built in Reedsville. Everyone and anyone is encouraged to camp here and there is ample room to pitch tents etc. The island just down from my house is also fair game for camping.
I am going to try to make it for Friday and Saturday. Last year I had a fantastic time meeting the forum members and of course catching a lot of smallmouth. Beautiful property right on the river.

Thanks for host the event again!
Great time last year, I will try to make it again. Thanks for hosting.
Very generous offer again this year to host your 2nd Annual Juniata Smallie Jam on your property.

Great to look forward to warm weather and smallie fishing in the middle of digging out of a snow storm.

I'll put it on my calendar and make plans to attend.

Thanks again.
Jifigz - Thanks for hosting man! That's the first weekend back to school for me, but I'm going to try to make it up Friday and Saturday. Might just be Saturday night. Is there room for a 20 foot camper on the property?

Looking forward to this!
Thanks Jifigz for hosting this again.

Although the bass mostly eluded me last year (the redbreast sunnies were hot to trot tho) I had a good time and plan to attend again this year.
Raftman, we can certainly find a spot for a camper here on the property.

And Dave, the redbreast sunfish are absolutely everywhere up here and they reach quite good sizes. I actually spend a fair amount of time targeting redbreasts and they are one of my favorite game fish. A redbreast on a 4 weight is a great time, especially when you can connect with one on the surface ever few casts.
jifigz wrote:
And Dave, the redbreast sunfish are absolutely everywhere up here and they reach quite good sizes. I actually spend a fair amount of time targeting redbreasts and they are one of my favorite game fish. A redbreast on a 4 weight is a great time, especially when you can connect with one on the surface ever few casts.

Yep, no doubt!

RBS are a blast on fly gear and it seems that more folks around here on PAFF are starting to recognize that in recent years (and the appeal of WW FFing more generally).

RBS are also beautiful fish and this makes up for their smaller size. I've long associated this aspect as similar to brookies and part of their appeal. However, a fella who regularly fishes 6" brookies with his 4WT is gonna be shocked at the bend in his rod when he hooks a 6" RBS. Whole nother league. :)

Anyway, hopefully we'll have some RBS action this year too. Here's some RBS and brookie motivation from my studio...



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Dave_W, I have found that there is a certain speed to pull your top water popper that only the bass and large sunfish are able to catch. There have been many a times on the PennyPack Creek that I had where I had more Bass than Sunfish.
Beautiful artwork Dave! I love that it showcases two fish that are actually native to my streams and rivers too.
Ok, just stop! its bad enough that I have to go one a way too big white boat with 1000's of people I would normally avoid during the WWJam. But now you bring sunny fishing into it? Fishing for big bluegills makes me feel like I'm 10 years old, every time! Wonder if its too early to cash in on my vacation insurance. Anyone want to trade a fishing/camping trip for a cruise to the Bahamas with in-laws?

Nice work as always Dave.

Thanks for organizing another WW Jam, Josh. I had a blast fishing the Juniata with you guys last August, and am planning to be there again this year.

Probably Friday afternoon thru Sunday.

Good post by DaveW. Bluegill fishing is really fun!

Every year, when the water temps hit the 60's at my local lake, I make it a point to fish it along the shorelines with small poppers and a light rod. But not too light!....as Dave posted, a bluegill can out-pull a trout any time. In fact they grew as big as trout and were measured in pounds rather than inches, you'd have more than you could handle trying to land one. I have a ball every spring and look forward to my bluegill day every year.

Bluegills are great fun even for elite trout FFers. And if you actually want to take home a few for the grill or frying pan, they are the perfect fish for that too.

afishinado wrote:
Good post by DaveW. Bluegill fishing is really fun!

Every year, when the water temps hit the 60's at my local lake, I make it a point to fish it along the shorelines with small poppers and a light rod. But not too light!....as Dave posted, a bluegill can out-pull a trout any time. In fact they grew as big as trout and were measured in pounds rather than inches, you'd have more than you could handle trying to land one. I have a ball every spring and look forward to my bluegill day every year.

Bluegills are great fun even for elite trout FFers. And if you actually want to take home a few for the grill or frying pan, they are the perfect fish for that too.

And redbreasts are, in my opinion, even better than bluegills. I can consistently find and catch bigger redbreasts from flowing waters in this part of the state than I can bluegills from my local lakes. I used to be a bluegill fanatic too and know how to locate the big fish in the lakes. In my opinion most of my local lakes bluegill fishing is lackluster.

I plan on returning to some lakes that I haven't fished in years with my kayak and a 4 or 6 weight. For some reason I've got panfish fever right now. I've been tying tons of crappie jigs lately. Soon enough a basic marabou and chenille jig fished under an indicator and twitched along should be a great way to spend the day.
I should be there for at least part of the weekend. I'm scheduled to work that Saturday, but may be able to switch out of it. We'll see. Definitely won't be there until 7 or so Friday evening if I make it at all.
Thanks for hosting this again this year. I had a great time last year! I caught more bass on top in one day then I have in a long time. I am going to try and make it this year too.
I'm officially off all weekend! I'll be at the jam all 3 days. Here's hoping the weather's nice - I haven't even been on the river once this year. Hoping to change that before August though.
Okay folks. We are a month away from the WW Jam so I'd just thought I'd make a post to do a little clarifying. We can certainly find plenty of spots for tents and definitely some spots for campers too. There will be a 22.5 inch Weber Kettle charcoal grill on site for use as well as a smaller charcoal grill. I also have a large propane burner as well as several other camping style burners that will be available for cooking. There is also a sizeable firepit with plenty of wood on the property so we can cook over an open fire too if people like to do that. I will provide some burgers, brats, probably sweet corn, etc. I will also have drinks both alcoholic and non-alcoholic on hand for guests but I'm sure others will bring beer and other drinks too as they did last year.

I will not be working this year and will basically be free to participate in all fishing activities and whatnot all weeekend. It should be a good time. As the time draws nearer we can iron out what everyone will bring and it should be a good time.
Sounds like a great time - looking forward to it.