Would You Rather...

Something I have always pondered is why us men always want the biggest fish, the largest bear, the biggest antlers, the fattest bass, and yet when it comes to our woman we shy away from those trophy qualities. "we are a curious creature!".

I'll take smaller fish all day long. Those big ones wreck havoc on my rods and shoulders...

JasonC wrote:
...catch 1 fish an hour and it be one of the biggest you ever landed or 15 an hour at about 6-7” per fish?

I prefer catching big fish and lots of them.

But that's just my preference. To each his own.

My too big fish boundary is in the steelhead/king zone. Steelhead are lots of fun and kings seem like too much work. Cohos are definitely on the fun side.

Big trout are pretty much in the fun zone all the time by that criteria. In general I like quality, but more towards the "good fish" zone rather than chasing trophies. I like to catch a few fish; sometimes trophy hunting can be almost all planning, scouting, and stalking and very little actual catching. I don't like my trout fishing to become like muskie fishing.
It’s interesting to hear everyone’s point of view on this subject, to each their own and everyone enjoys trout fishing for different reasons. Myself, I enjoy being on the stream catching fish whatever size they may be. So I would have to vote for consistent action over long lulls without anything.
P/pack's posts 21 is great.
yeah-gotta admit getting tired of catchin 5 pd bronzebacks day after day and not catchin bluegills-smaller baits?