Would it be a waste of time?


You mentioned about practicing casting in a field. I have an old 8' fly rod & reel, I got about 6 years ago from a friend. There's line on the reel but no leader or tippet. Do IU need to add a leader to practice?


(I'll just answer for him...)


Do you have any fishing line, something to take the whipcrack at the end is essential to keeping the line from falling apart, and it'll help you understand the dynamics of the line and rod loading and unloading.

You don't need a crazy lot, but even if its a matter of buying a cheap tapered leader at any sporting goods store and just using it as it falls apart, You can tie it around a little puff of yarn to also help you begin to understand what's going on.
boj wrote:
I have been interested in learning to Fly fish for several years and though this year would be the time.

However, 2 years ago I developed a problem with my right are (a possible slight stroke and I'm right handed) in that I can't lift it about mid-chest level. My left arm is slightly better. I can raise it to the top of my head.

It's hard for me to picture how much range of motion you have with your right arm.

But in typical fly casting, your arm is not way up in the air. Watch some people cast, or casting videos and you'll see what I mean.

Also, casting side arm style with your right arm might work well for you, because you keep your arm low.

If that doesn't work, by all means learn to cast left handed. You could be casting short distances pretty quickly, then you'd gradually build it up.
Do you know for sure that the problem with your arm isn't something else? Like Lyme disease?
I'm with Troutbert on this, you can probably get around itby altering your motion.

I'm sure it's not Lyme Disease. I had spinal decompression surgery about 2 yrs ago and have 2 rods and 12 screws in my back as a result. The surgeon still feels my arm's going to improve.
even if you dont have a leader, start practiciing. Im not 100% sure on trout water over there but maybe when it gets nicer you can try the neshaminy for smallies/panfish or some of the parks that have ponds/lakes. My buddy lives in Langhorne next to corr creek park, the lake there looks fishy. If you can make it to the valley forge area there is valley creek and other stocked streams. Id be willing to help you out where ever, let me know. Shoot me a PM


With a screen name of govtmule, which branch do you work for? I've been retired from the U.S. Treasuary for 14 yrs. and have been enjoying every day of it.

May take you up on your offer when the weather gets a little nicer. Thanks for the offer.
