The average trout fisherman in Pennsylvania is addicted to naive hatchery trout a condition that is promoted by the fish commission.
5/10/19, I was sitting at a wood campfire watching Trout, stuffed with fresh cilantro, lemons, butter and onions, wrapped in foil cooking on the grill. They were so good, I ate the cooked lemons too!

Love you, Pa. Fish Commission for all your hard work and the patience needed to refrain from negative comments, opposite views, mistrust from those who should know better.

Maybe a campfire, trout as described and a rolling rock will change some minds.

Oh, by the way, sure was right about China. Wolf, get ready to meet Mr. Bear.

Maxima, you raise some interesting points but I can tell you a stocker cooked over a camp fire will never convince me that PA should stock over wild populations. At some point a resource first approach needs to be taken, eventually this will just come down to funding. I think the trout stocking that you see now will be unrecognizable in twenty years. Will fewer trout lead to fewer youth fisherman???? I think fortnite will take care of that.
PA freshly stocked trout taste like crap compared to a holdover or wild trout. They are mushy and bland. Ate lots of trout in Idaho. Where the water supports wild fish (mostly everywhere) you don't need to stock. But PA isn't Idaho or Montana. PA has been rode hard and put away wet. The recovery has been amazing. There is way more than enough marginal water to allow stocking for people to take fish. The higher value waters should be left to have wild populations. I don't even have a huge problem with fingering programs to some degree. But catchable size, stocked fish shou!d not be dumped on top of naturally reproducing populations of trout.
Boy's, they were Brook Trout around 12 inches. Now talk about fine dining. Thank you Pennsylvania for the wonderful treat!

Stockies I brine and smoke. Kind of makes your mouth water?
Good to the last flake!

If your gonna catch Maxima12, you will have to wait till I am sleeping with both eyes shut.

Tomgamber, you get a silver star! NATURAL REPRODUCTION! Like to see this happen on a big scale but unfortunately?

Guess the Scientists will help you out on this one!

Gambler, remember, cold, cold, fresh, spring water is the key to reproduction. But the silt minded, deep pocket tribe would rather have the water for use, putting wild trout somewhere down the list.


Now, I notice a lot dislike stocking and bait fishermen. Seems it is us vs. them! An old saying "United we stand, divided we fall".

I will cherish the day we all stand together. But remember, you will have to share. A wild trout stream can not be for fly fishermen only.

"all for one , one for all".
Maxima, natural reproduction already does exist on a pretty big scale. there are hundreds of wild trout streams in the watersheds where you say you visit. I am fine with sharing wild trout resources for all, however one of the best immediate improvements we can make to these streams is to stop stocking over naturally reproducing fish.
I'm not all for united we stand slogan....some of the things supported by sportsman in PA with fishing and hunting have a very negative impact on our seasons and some initiatives are even put in place to support lazy people or provide short cuts into the seasons. I'm all for united we stand to protect our hunting and fishing privilege and conservative support to a certain degree but that's where I draw the line.
Honestly, a big part of why PA will never be a trout destination like MT, ID, WY, CO etc. has nothing to do with trout. It's about the scenery, the allure, the bragging rights, the adventure.

I saw in the WT presentation by PFBC a few years ago where they mentioned that some of our streams rival famous western streams in terms of fish per mile. While that may be true, some of these places are so trashed that it almost ruins the experience.

I about had a heart attack 2 weeks ago on the J because I saw what I thought was the body of a dead child. Turned out to be a life size doll. There's a VW bus sized poly water bin along the stream. I hooked into something that I thought at first was a snapping turtle, but it turned out to be a hub cap.

I know a lot of groups do stream cleanups and that helps, but the onslaught of trash seems never ending. High water = entire plastic kid's playset in the river. Kind of ruins it for me personally.

That's why I try to get into the remote areas for brookies as much as possible. Beautiful scenery and fish until you catch a finless rainbow that traveled up into the headwaters to escape the vinegar pH water below.