I'm guessing that Maxima is someone's secondary account that they use after consuming a 5th of Comrad Vlad. I find the posts rambling, disjointed and making little to no sense. Guess I'm not much for riddles.

In the future, I hope that he keeps his posts in a haiku format.
I think I have right iambic pentameter 5-7-5

Maxima is fly
Maxima likes to have drink

I enjoy to fly
Native fish are it for me
Miller High life here
I have fished in many states across this nation. I loved them all, but I did catch myself saying once that we have it pretty good in PA really. The grass is always greener on the other side . . .

Well, at least I think that is what this thread is about. Who knows?
acristickid wrote:
I think I have right iambic pentameter 5-7-5

Maxima is fly
Maxima likes to have drink

I enjoy to fly
Native fish are it for me
Miller High life here

I believe that is Haiku.
omg, CLSports. Thank you. Yes indeed we have it good. Yes, thread was about great Pa. I twist and turn, go left and right but post in a normal manner would have less views, less thinking.

Naturally I have to add this as so many times before. WOMEN! All the big Giants want them, let's get them on this site, work together for a better future.
maxima12 wrote:
omg, CLSports. Thank you. Yes indeed we have it good. Yes, thread was about great Pa. I twist and turn, go left and right but post in a normal manner would have less views, less thinking.

Naturally I have to add this as so many times before. WOMEN! All the big Giants want them, let's get them on this site, work together for a better future.

Now we understand....you're writing this way to impress the chicks!! :lol:
fishnado, had them, they all loved me, till they got to know me. they did not like to fish and had no boat. still friends. beautiful, beautiful gals. hope they do good.
fishnado, purposely left out the A. Guess you got to come back and straighten it out. Be happy I did not call you FISHTORNADO!

MAXIMA, slow by nature, fast by spirit!
Maxima12 wrote;

West, why hell, we have just as good fishing here, even better!.

Other than the WB of the Delaware and the main stem there is no fishing in PA that even comes close to any of the blue ribbon Montana rivers like the Big Hole, Beaverhead, Madison, Big Horn, and many others. The rivers I have mentioned are teeming with large wild browns and rainbows and some other rivers have large populations of cutthroat.

Those Montana rivers, other than the Beaverhead, are big rivers and the potential for a dozen, or more 15" - 20", fish a day is not at all unlikely. While the WB and main stem Delaware are very good for PA wild fish they are but a distant 2nd place for most Western rivers. I can say this not from reading about it or hearing about it but from spending months and months in Montana ever since 1968 and spending equal amounts of time on the WB and main stem Delaware.

I'm quite sure some people will disagree with me but if you haven't fished those Western rivers often, during prime periods, you just don't have the first hand experience that I have.

I have caught at least a dozen browns as big, and bigger, than the two browns pictured in Montana. They were both caught on #18 dry flies. In a bit over fifty years fishing the Delaware system I've never caught a 24" brown on a dry fly (although quite a few, and bigger, on streamers)


  • 24 Inch Monster Brown.jpg
    24 Inch Monster Brown.jpg
    296.4 KB · Views: 4
  • 2011 Brown Matt's Channel.jpg
    2011 Brown Matt's Channel.jpg
    135.3 KB · Views: 3
Can't agree with ya more fishing Wyoming /Idaho streams on thee
upper reaches with the beginning drakes etc. hatches hard to beat.
on the dry. Cutts 16 to 22 with fewer people till late July. Just wish the Madison was the same from 35 years ago.
afishinado wrote:
maxima12 wrote:
omg, CLSports. Thank you. Yes indeed we have it good. Yes, thread was about great Pa. I twist and turn, go left and right but post in a normal manner would have less views, less thinking.

Naturally I have to add this as so many times before. WOMEN! All the big Giants want them, let's get them on this site, work together for a better future.

Now we understand....you're writing this way to impress the chicks!! :lol:

I hear chicks are impressed by men who can distinguish between "your" and "you're"
Sasquatch: Your write!
Well, I suppose it depends where you live in Pa. if it’s a destination or not. I am a somewhat of a newbie to fly fishing, trying to learn and find some decent places to fish. I am learning a lot on this website and enjoy reading comments and opinions from all of you veteran fly fishermen.
Here in the Lehigh Valley/ ALLENTOWN area , I am told the Little Lehigh creek was a big Destination in the Past, a beautiful stream still today. But, what a lot of the seasoned fly fishermen I have talked to tell me those days are long gone.
The building sprawl seems to have had a huge impact on the streams in my area, it is a real challenge! I hope your Pa. streams don’t suffer the same consequences.
A few of the fishermen I have met do travel out West for better opportunities. I suppose I should consider it too.
there is bubble hazard indigo fox belt!!

why try,if blank trust inverted?

just ask,you will see,plus or minus,velvet sky.
Shakey, I understand it completely. You have not been fishing for a while, I get that way too! All tied up and without any rope.

I agree with Shakey.
It is like talking to Yoda.
NOTICE! Let me tell you why Pa. is so beautiful! 5/10/19. Fishing Tobyhanna Park at Headwaters, you know if you were there. Beaver

dams. Met a gentleman , who called himself, "CORKY". He was an older gentleman with a cane. Well, let me tell you, CORKY, was the spirit of the wild. Not only did we catch full limits of Brook Trout each day, CORKY, said "get in the car, I want to show you fellows some good hunting and fishing". Went on a road trip, about an hour and 1/2 trip. Surrounding an area of 15 to 20 square miles.

Corky, My Hero! It would have taken a lifetime to discover what Corky showed us in the trip!

Now, The Wolf has been chained! I do not want China, Korean, African, India, flies, lures, fishing poles, fly tying materials, etc. I want all Pa. has to offer. Lot of CORKYS in Pa.

I WANT PA. I want Pa., not the West, Not the big fish, not the amusement of a new adventure or great vacation.

I want what is the dearest to my inner soul. PENNSYLVANIA! If I can not find it here, than I am a fool!

Got CORK'S, name, number, address. He will be seeing us again!

PA will never be a prime fishing destination until our state agency changes the messaging of put and take fishing. Most fisherman in PA have an age old mindset of how many trout can be sent to the freezer and how many limits can be obtained over a given season. Fisherman in PA just can't help themselves and the state agency shares a lot of blame. PA has a great opportunity to be the best in both fishing and hunting if managed properly and not catered to the opportunists and entitlement society we have in this state. The Wolfs mindset needs to be changed....

Bottled water.

No rebuttal.