
Active member
Dec 30, 2009
Have to write this one. The Wolf, let me introduce him. China, Korea, Dominican Republic, Africa! On your doorstep now! Already has spread havoc in the fishing industry! Not. just you but the nation! The takeover is just about done.

Been making calls across nation and fishing is at a all time low. Now, the shop owners would never tell you this, they would say better than ever. I am lucky to know the boy's from 30+ years. Then the Wolf's friend, the gas, the pipeline's, the oil, the timber, arriving next!.

Don't forget, the insurance giants, property taxes and other worthless peddlers, dipping in your pockets. Hope you get my drift!

Now, with this, A friend wants to go west fishing. Montana, Idaho, yes I will go. Give him his lifelong dream. Lucky to have friends west to help on this adventure at a nominal cost.

West, why hell, we have just as good fishing here, even better!.

Why, can not Pa. be the hold out state and get the westerns to come here. Don't know!

Well, a point, probably worthless in nature.


ps. you will see me, lot's of me 1/4 mile below union county sportsman. Drew a card and it was a Ace. On the bank of Penns Creek. at the gate. Lucky, Lucky Maxima. Lucky to have friends! in Pa.
I don't understand the majority of your post(s).

I will say, on the travel part, PA is not a trout destination due to antiquated management of natural resources by an agency who kowtows to the ignorant among their constituency.

Love reading your posts but why so Cryptic? I dont follow why are countries listed Wolves at the door? And the industries? ok I can see some negative impacts but most of the big players are relatively Eco friendly, they need to be. Also, we as a nation REQUIRE oil/gas and other sources of energy to maintain the standard of living we are accustomed to and to get to those western fishing adventure destinations you mentioned. Cant have your cake (or fish) and eat it too.
Brookie, your way, way, off track! Think of what can be and not of what is. Water! My boy. Not the cold run offs out west. But a future in what we have. Brookie your too negative! Stocking is good! You like full joy, but it's just an armlength away. Plus an inch! You can touch it but can't get your grip around it.
Tigereye, sit back and enjoy the ride, or you can stand for something, or fall for everything! It's a choice of yours. Trust me, brother of brothers, Wolf is here!

Brookie chaser, another thing, don't use those big words. Maxima is just a simple man, you may be a scientist but I am just a needle in a haystack1

Brookie say's "not a destination". I say "Come to Pa. , where your destination ends".

you can use that for a couple dozen flies!

I really like that saying!

gee-thought maxima was spinning lines or sumpin.
Maxima, I like your enthusiasm. I enjoy those parts of your posts, and the riddles to some extent.

Montana is a trout destination for its scenery, water, and big wild trout. PA is known for two of those three, and has the potential for the third if they had a resource management agency that wasn't run by politically appointed "commissioners" who kowtow to the ignorant (see class A stocking). The PGC has the same issue with deer management. PA has a bad history of natural resource management and it seems they're willing to repeat it, mostly in the name of tradition.

As for my negativity on the subject, I'll quote Aldo Leopold, "One of the penalties to an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of wounds".
The thing with Montana, and much of the west, is that most of the large, destination wild trout waters are tailwaters, i.e. man-made. Anywhere that has big dams could have cold tailwaters. PA has a lot of "natural" trout water and if it turned some of its tailwaters into cold tailwaters, it has a lot of potential.
Moon, love you bro! Let's figure what it takes! A hell of a lot of guts and money. Bros and sisters you have to give a little to Pa.
Last post on this. We can beat the Wolf with the Bear. We being the Bear. Come on Joan Wulff and Mrs. Hassan from International Women Fly Fishers. Let's get united and make the biggest difference fly fishing has ever seen. Oh yeah! Maxima loves the women and kids.

We are just a faint spot on the real painting. Unite and put an end to the Wolf!

As always : A troublesome mind! Maxima12

Contact Mrs Hassan via Wulff flyfishing, Livingston N Y.

Figure it out, it's yours. I would think a thousand women wanting to be involved in PAFLYFISH. Most likely 10,000.

Step aside! "THE BEAR HAS ARRIVED". That's all I got!
moon1284 wrote:
The thing with Montana, and much of the west, is that most of the large, destination wild trout waters are tailwaters, i.e. man-made. Anywhere that has big dams could have cold tailwaters. PA has a lot of "natural" trout water and if it turned some of its tailwaters into cold tailwaters, it has a lot of potential.

While true, this overlooks the mind blowing trout fishing that exists in so many western waters that are neither famous nor a tailwater.
Population density is much less in the west. Big difference in population density of kane county UT and centre county PA.

I really don't have a dog in the fight, I live in WNY.
having been out west, there is no chance of Pa ever being comparable to out west. Never ever regardless of what the fish commission does or doesn't do. Pa is to populated, to many crazy trout fishing regulations, and to much sprawl. Yes the scenery can be breath taking but in dries and drabs in comparison to the vast open spaces out west.

Max, forget about the wolf at the door. Let's take care of the wolf with his hand in our pockets first.
poopdeck wrote:
having been out west, there is no chance of Pa ever being comparable to out west. Never ever regardless of what the fish commission does or doesn't do. Pa is to populated, to many crazy trout fishing regulations, and to much sprawl. Yes the scenery can be breath taking but in dries and drabs in comparison to the vast open spaces out west.

Max, forget about the wolf at the door. Let's take care of the wolf with his hand in our pockets first.

PA is my favorite state there is. I know it well, love every bit of if it I've been to, especially central PA where I'm from. It could be a destination. Yes, people and the population are much higher than the west, but that also means people can take shorter drives for more frequent trips to have "getaways." I know, I live in a "getaway" and people come here for some reason and it is usually not ever fishing and I live in a wonderful place for fishing. They usually come for the lack of people that are here.

So, what is this post about? I think PA could be a destination and already is to some extent. Pushing, publication, and advertising could be better and increase all of this. Now, on a side note, it's 3:36 am and I'm drinking a glass of wine and about to have a cigarette. What can anyone tell me about that?
Well, it was a nice thought. Yup, your right.

But remember, a wise man once told me, {if you want it bad enough, someday you will get it}.

It's 3:41 am, I ran out of smokes, will walk to turkey hill and get some now! But before I leave, I am getting out the bottle of whiskey, Jifigz, here's to ya! your friend. Maxima
Some complain about crowded waters yet Maxie you want more fishermen to crowd the water even more?Ccombat fishing ain't fun.
Be careful what you wish for. To early for Hooch,imo. GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
To early for Hooch,imo. GG

Or is it too late?